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fear of hell


what do you think is your probability of going to hell?  

73 members have voted

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1043387' date='Aug 13 2006, 11:12 PM']
I think that was me on accident

All 3 times?

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I voted 'very low'. I have confidence in God and His abundant Love and Mercy for me :P: . Then again I'm a MASSIVE fan of St Therese Lisieux.
God is Love. In love there is no fear. I love God and he loves me. I have nothing to fear.
St Therese said that you get from God exactly what you hope for.
I in no way presume that I'm going to heaven ... that would be sin and ignorence. But I trust in God and trust in his Great Mercy and Love. His merciful love.

For all the ramblings that circulate about hell (especially among the saints who seem to focus on the Divine Justice of God) ... attention on the mercy and love of God seems to be lacking <_<

Yes ... we should fear hell. we should fear it very much. We should also NEVER presume that were going to heaven so therefore we can do what we want.

but if you stick to the 3 principles
1. Love God with all your heart and love others out of love for God
2. Remember that "love is repaid by love alone" (St John of the Cross) and
3. Love alone makes us pleasing to God (St Therese, Little Flower)

then what do you have to fear?
When you love God you do not fear his divine justice ... as there is no fear in perfect love.

:) If all else fails to convince you ... then open the scriptures and look at Gods actions. Jesus is Love, mercy and forgiveness. He heals the lepers, eats with the sinners and tax collectors, forgives and refuses to condemn the adulteress ..... and calls these sinners and nobody's his little one's whom he came to save.

:) I have very low fear of hell.
My greatest fear is intentionally sinning and grieving God who deserves all my love. :ohno:

Read St Therese's 'Story of a Soul'.

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[quote name='GodChild' post='1043520' date='Aug 14 2006, 05:28 AM']
I voted 'very low'. I have confidence in God and His abundant Love and Mercy for me :P: . Then again I'm a MASSIVE fan of St Therese Lisieux.
God is Love. In love there is no fear. I love God and he loves me. I have nothing to fear.
St Therese said that you get from God exactly what you hope for.
I in no way presume that I'm going to heaven ... that would be sin and ignorence. But I trust in God and trust in his Great Mercy and Love. His merciful love.

For all the ramblings that circulate about hell (especially among the saints who seem to focus on the Divine Justice of God) ... attention on the mercy and love of God seems to be lacking <_<

Yes ... we should fear hell. we should fear it very much. We should also NEVER presume that were going to heaven so therefore we can do what we want.

but if you stick to the 3 principles
1. Love God with all your heart and love others out of love for God
2. Remember that "love is repaid by love alone" (St John of the Cross) and
3. Love alone makes us pleasing to God (St Therese, Little Flower)

then what do you have to fear?

When you love God you do not fear his divine justice ... as there is no fear in perfect love.

:) If all else fails to convince you ... then open the scriptures and look at Gods actions. Jesus is Love, mercy and forgiveness. He heals the lepers, eats with the sinners and tax collectors, forgives and refuses to condemn the adulteress ..... and calls these sinners and nobody's his little one's whom he came to save.

:) I have very low fear of hell.
My greatest fear is intentionally sinning and grieving God who deserves all my love. :ohno:

Read St Therese's 'Story of a Soul'.

thats awsome

Edited by Guest
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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1043270' date='Aug 13 2006, 09:45 PM']
I meant to vote very high, but somehow it didnt' work. It's very high for all of us. Just think. Let's say you comitted one small mortal sin (not like murder or sodomy or anything, something small) and then you died immediately after. It could happen to anyone. It's not hard at all.
Very high for all of us? [i]My God in Heaven.[/i]

I'm just kind of curious, how do you live believing that you will most likely go to Hell. Personally, I'd completely lose my sanity.

I'm actually kinda of impressed, in a strange way.

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I used to have a very great fear of hell, but I have come to know that my fear of it was based mainly on misconceptions and misunderstandings on my part.

I like the saying; "The fear of hell is the start of wisdom." and I think this holds very true.

And I just loved your post GodChild. I think you got it right on the money (er... grace or insert what you think fits best).

I would add that one does not fear the judgement of God, rather they fear justice of what they think they might deserve.

Edited by Didacus
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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1043270' date='Aug 13 2006, 10:45 PM']
I meant to vote very high, but somehow it didnt' work. It's very high for all of us. Just think. Let's say you comitted one small mortal sin (not like murder or sodomy or anything, something small) and then you died immediately after. It could happen to anyone. It's not hard at all.

Mortal sin, by definition, is not small.....

But I voted "refuse to speculate". The prospect of having to account for any sin, regardless of how serious, causes me embarassment....kind of like the saying "How am I going to explain this to my parents?".

Edited by Norseman82
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I don't think that situation is possible. Mortal sin is grave to the point one knows the sin to be mortal and his/her soul in danger.

None can go to hell without the desire of it.

In the situation described, the person would probably be pardon to some extent through 'ignorance that is not the fault of their own', 'inconquerable ignorance', or by the desire of the sacrament of penance.

Maybe a more enlightened member of phatmass could comment more?

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He's probably thinking of something like a lustful thought etc. If you slip and do it, while you're doing it, you're toast to StThom.
Of course if you did the mortal, then are sorry and plan to confess you're okay to the CC.

One might think the reservation the person has committing it would account for something. I made a poll here and that didn't fly with most people either.

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[quote]Mortal sin, by definition, is not small.....[/quote]

Yes, I know. Mortal sin is the greatest evil that exists, but I was meaning a mortal sin that would be very small in comparison to many more grevious mortal sins.

[quote]I don't think that situation is possible. Mortal sin is grave to the point one knows the sin to be mortal and his/her soul in danger.[/quote]

That situation is certainly possible. Certain people have habutial mortal sins that they don't think twice before comitting them.

[quote]None can go to hell without the desire of it.[/quote]

I really don't know too many people who comitt mortal sins becuase they want to go to hell. Most people comitt mortal sins for their own gain, happiness, pleasure, revenge, out of anger, etc.

In the situation described, the person would probably be pardon to some extent through 'ignorance that is not the fault of their own', 'inconquerable ignorance', or by the desire of the sacrament of penance.

The ignorance thing is something used to describe non-Catholics who are non-Catholics through no fault of their own. And comittign a mortal sin thinking you can just go to confession is another mortal sin on top of the first mortal sin, namely, presumption.

[quote]He's probably thinking of something like a lustful thought etc. If you slip and do it, while you're doing it, you're toast to StThom.[/quote]

Yeah, I'm thinking of something like a lustful thought or something. And of course you are damned to hell while you are doing it, and are until you make an act of perfect contrition or go to confession.

[quote]Of course if you did the mortal, then are sorry and plan to confess you're okay to the CC.[/quote]

Yeah, thats true so long as the sorrow for the sin is interior, supreme, universal, and out of love for God. You also have to have the intention to sin no more.

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