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The Episcopal Christian Rite Of Gay Marriage


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[quote name='Norseman82' post='48798' date='Oct 29 2003, 01:52 PM']More a result of private interpretation; most sola scriptura evangelicals that I know reject gay marriage and fight side-by-side with us Catholics on this issue.[/quote]

I agree. Sola Scriptura tends to reject adamently gay marriage. Homosexuality is CLEARLY condemned in scripture. It is more the Sola Fide beliefs that tend to be very liberal and permit any sorts of vice into their liturgy.

However, I'm not sure where anglicans sit? Sola Fide, or Sola Scriptura? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think they do tend towards Sola Fide - right?

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[quote name='Didacus' post='1439075' date='Dec 28 2007, 10:44 AM']I agree. Sola Scriptura tends to reject adamently gay marriage. Homosexuality is CLEARLY condemned in scripture. It is more the Sola Fide beliefs that tend to be very liberal and permit any sorts of vice into their liturgy.

However, I'm not sure where anglicans sit? Sola Fide, or Sola Scriptura? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think they do tend towards Sola Fide - right?[/quote]
Anglicans/Episcopalians (at least in the West) tend to be merely a "baptized" version of politically-correct secular humanism.

And the whole "ancient gay marriage rites of the Church" thing is totally bogus. What they are referring to is a kind of "brotherhood" rite, usually made between warring nobles to secure peace - more of a way of solemnizing a peace treaty than anything else. It never had anything to do with sex nor marriage.

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[quote name='CatholicAndFanatical' post='48790' date='Oct 29 2003, 06:15 PM']stupid question..Anglicans ARE NOT in union with the Universal Church right? Please say im right..

these people are an embarrasement. Everytime I talk to my family now (who are soo non-Catholic) they always bring this up thinking that it is the Catholics that are doing it..no matter how many times I tell them that just because they have 'bishops' doesnt mean their REAL bishops..the dont listen.[/quote]

You will hear some Anglicans calling themselves Catholics or Anglo-Catholics. They're not in union with Rome. (In fairness, though, Anglicans who take on this label would be very unlikely to support same-sex marriages.)

However, you will also see whole parishes declaring themselves to be 'Roman Catholic, Anglican Use'. These people are in communion with Rome. They hold to Anglican liturgical traditions (this is where 'Anglican Use' comes in) and are usually converts from Anglicanism.

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It seems the only place that the Church of England is really theologically conservative today is in Africa. Wouldn't you know, that branch of the Anglican Communion is probably the strongest and most vibrant, from a grassroots perspective -- lots of diocesan/parish activity, lots of vocations. I read an article recently which interviewed a number of African Anglican bishops, and all of them expressed disgust at the moral crumbling of the C of E in Europe and in North America.

Edited by Nathan
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[quote]Bishop Chane reassured Mr. Hutt that theologically orthodox clergy will not be forced to perform same-sex unions.
"This is clearly a local option that is left open to the pastoral judgment of the priest of a congregation, the vestry and parishioners," his letter said. "It is not a requirement for any congregation in this diocese, nor is it a requirement to be followed by any priest in this diocese."[/quote]

Maybe the Anglican church should have more such local options. I mean, if everyone has been mistaken about homosexuality for so long, surely they have been mistaken about other things, too. And perhaps they could have a local option bible, a sort of a cafeteria canon, a Jefferson's bible for the common man, where, if one dislikes a verse or feels it uninspired, one can just merrily rip from [i]his[/i] book with the blessing of the local clergy.

But seriously, something is weird about leaving doctrine to each different parish. That is the sort of attitude that leads to the large protestant churches down in Houston not telling attendees how to live their lives, because, you know, they get so much of that [[i]moral direction stuff[/i]] from everyone else.

I guess if the unity of the church is more important than unity of doctrine...oh wait a minute...

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[quote name='Nathan' post='1440942' date='Jan 1 2008, 01:26 PM']I guess "you will know them by their fruits" is particularly applicable here.[/quote]

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