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Gay Marriage


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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' date='Feb 23 2005, 12:47 PM'] That's true... he's tired and he's old.

But he's also tired for good reason and has done a lot more in his life than you could probably hope for.

And me for that matter.

God bless! [/quote]
Exactly. How can anyone say anything bad about JPII???

Edited by MC Just
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[quote name='burnsspivey' date='Feb 23 2005, 12:32 PM'] More ([color=red]edited by foundsheep[/color]).

Hey, you asked what I thought.

Edited from: More tripe from an old, tired man. [/quote]
I would like to state, for the record, that I'm higly offended by this edit. Not only did I not "Insult[] the holy father", if differing opinions are going to be edited then this is not the kind of place that I want to be.

I was told before I came here that debate and disagreement was allowed and encouraged. Now, when I give an actual opinion I'm edited. I'm offended, frankly.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Feb 23 2005, 12:39 PM'] If you've got nothing intelligent or meaningful to say, shut up! [/quote]
Hey wait a second! I get edited for stating an opinion and Socrates here gets nothing for attacking me? I call Shenanigans.

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to say you disagree with the pope is one thing- to disrespect him by name calling is another and no one is worthy of having their post kept if all they're gonna do is spew out childish name calling

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[quote name='curtins' date='Feb 24 2005, 04:01 PM'] to say you disagree with the pope is one thing- to disrespect him by name calling is another and no one is worthy of having their post kept if all they're gonna do is spew out childish name calling [/quote]
So...saying that he's old and tired is now name calling?

Then, Ash Wednesday needs to be censored too.

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Not that I'm for gay marriage, but I love how quickly everyone agrees and believe that the Pope's opinion is correct about gay marriage, but question his opinion about the war.

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Don't start that gain. People can agree with whatever they choose to from the Pope's opinion. The war isn't a moral or faith issue, homosexuality and it's effect on modern society is.

God bless,

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War can be morally acceptable. Gay marriage can't. Hence, war isn't a definative moral issue. By that I mean, an opinoin is truely an opinion about war even from the Pope. Things that are alwyas clearly wrong or right, when spoken about from the Pope, usually care a little more weight than just opinion, since it is a holy thing to do as the Pope does.

God bless,

Edited by MichaelFilo
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War is a definitive moral issue.... no it is not always wrong, but there are many many different levels of morality involved in it.

Gay marriage is impossible, so I guess you could say it is wrong.

It is perfectly acceptable to take or not take any non-definitive teaching of the Holy Father, but don't pretend that it does not carry equal weight when he speaks in the media or on the news about one thing you disagree with and writes in book about something you do agree with.

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Far from pretending, I know quite well what that when His Holieness speaks about an y issue, a certain weight is carried with it, but on something that is definativly wrong, there is more weight in what he says the on something that can be misued (War can be a good thing, ther eis no proper use for gay marriage).

I'd say you don't know me too well if you think I support the war.

God bless,

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[quote name='God Conquers' date='Feb 27 2005, 09:32 PM'] Gay marriage is impossible, so I guess you could say it is wrong.

It is perfectly acceptable to take or not take any non-definitive teaching of the Holy Father, but don't pretend that it does not carry equal weight when he speaks in the media or on the news about one thing you disagree with and writes in book about something you do agree with. [/quote]
You are correct.

The promotion of the idea that two people of the same sex could marry is contrary to the moral law and as such it is objectively evil, and this truth is a part of the infallible teaching of the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium.

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='Feb 27 2005, 11:36 PM'] Far from pretending, I know quite well what that when His Holieness speaks about an y issue, a certain weight is carried with it, but on something that is definativly wrong, there is more weight in what he says the on something that can be misued (War can be a good thing, ther eis no proper use for gay marriage).

I'd say you don't know me too well if you think I support the war.

God bless,
Mikey [/quote]
I'm not referring to thinking that the war is right or wrong... I know your feelings about the war Mike.

I'm just saying that on two issues of morality the weight given to the Pope's statements should be equal, whether those moral actions are always wrong or whether they are only sometimes wrong.

Wrong is wrong.

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