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Gods will


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How would you explain how you know God's will..........im kinda having a hard time with that right now......so your help would be greatly appreciated......

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That is sort of a loaded question, primarily because we cannot know the mind of God. We get glimpses, but we cannot understand totally. God is too simple to comprehend. We, humans, are the complex ones. What do I mean by that? The best definition of God is, simply I AM WHO AM. To fully comprehend that statement will give you your answer.

Unfortunately, we have been searching for that answer for roughly eternity.

Here is a link to help with this. I am a Thomist by education, so I will present to you the idea of Aquinas and the way he views it, but look at this link and perhaps we can continue the discussion.

[url="http://www.ccel.org/a/aquinas/summa/FP/FP019.html#FPQ19OUTP1"]Summa Theologica[/url]

Once we get to some understanding of this, then we can start getting into His will. It ain't easy.....I still don't totally get it and I have been studying Aquinas for about 10 years.


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[quote name='aloha918' date='Feb 17 2005, 10:12 AM'] How would you explain how you know God's will..........im kinda having a hard time with that right now......so your help would be greatly appreciated...... [/quote]
I don't think it's that hard to understand. God has a plan for us and we should always try to see things from God's point of view. We want to please God right? Therefore we should obey Him and listen to Him, by doing that we are doing His Will. His will is going to give us the happiness that we long for.

Also, your conscience, it's the Holy Spirit speaking to you, the Holy Spirit is God so therefore you should listen to your conscience.

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[quote name='aloha918' date='Feb 17 2005, 10:12 AM'] How would you explain how you know God's will..........im kinda having a hard time with that right now......so your help would be greatly appreciated...... [/quote]
Basicly we know gods supposed will through the works written by men. Who are deemed to be inspired through god at the time they wrote these texts. If you trust that indeed all of them were inspired through god to write this book. Than its up to you to follow the guidlines laid out in them.

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I had problems with that for a long time to. The best way to know God's will is pray pray pray, Mass, Adoration, Confession, pray, pray, pray.

Then you are getting close. :)

It is hard to do that much sometimes, but it is how we as humans begin to know God's purpose in our lives.

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St. Ignatius used to say that "God is LABORING to speak to us". In all that we do, at every moment, God thirsts to communicate Himself to us. It is up to us to totally abandon ourselves to His action, to trust that everything comes from His providence and to give ourselves to Him in the present moment. like the poster above me pointed out...pray, pray and pray some more. Eucharistic Adoration will help VERY, VERY much because being silent before Him will teach you to "hear" Him. It will also teach you to "see" Him...to see Him in the Eucharist, to see Him in others and to see Him in events of your daily life.

Not that I do these things perfectly...by no means!!! Remember that God WANTS you to do His will...so if you keep asking He won't hide it from you. He wants you to do it and He DIED to give you the grace to do it. but sometimes it may seem like He is hiding it from you at a certain time. in those cases do what you think is best. if you have a spiritual director, it will greatly help your discernment of God's will for you. hope something here helps!!!

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Get two books:

Cathechism of the Catholic Church

That is 90+% of the battle right there.

Besides, I don't believe in a "micro-managing" God; I don't stop in the middle of traffic to pray to determine whether to take the local or express lanes on the expressway. He left us moral instructions, we need to follow them. He also gave us a free will. We are free to live our lives as we best see as long as we abide by His rules and don't squander our talents.

I've also normally found that when God wants to communicate something, He will use those "ideas" that just seem to pop into our heads without explanation.

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