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Killing Animals


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K, we have mice in our home right now. It is a old house and has some holes in the foundation but anyway.

We set traps to catch the mice. They are the cheap ones the kind that snaps and kills the mice.

So at school I was having a conversation with a friend. She said that it was a sin to kill animals. Now, she is Catholic but to me seems to know the faith based on her feelings and what she hears from the media.

Just wanted to know some thoughts on the issue.

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So I take it she is a vegetarian, correct?
Does she know plants scream when they are cut as well?

It is certainly NOT a sin to kill animals, it is a sin to torture them.

You could always get a cat, or the kind of traps that you can release the mouse.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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I wonder if she thinks that it is a sin to kill a fetus? If she gets her faith from the media and feelings, then I doubt it. But then, why would it be a sin to kill a mouse but not a fetus? Both feel pain, have a heartbeat, etc, etc. I'd be interested to know what she thinks.

And if it is a sin to kill animals, what about insects? Bacteria? Viruses? Would she use an anti-biotic?

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Blessed Be God

As Cmom said it isn't a sin b/c God put all the creatures under us and it's our responsibility to not touture them and look after them.

God Bless
Jason Gregory

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The key here is the term "needless"

Nothing in Creation should suffer needless pain or be killed needlessly. Rodents are not sanitary and thus there is a genuine need not to have them scampering around, so the snap traps are not necessarily sinful.

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[quote]Do cats sin every time they kill a mouse? [/quote]

Cats don't have a soul or God's grace to know right from wrong so I would say no.

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