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Modesty In Dress

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='lilac_angel' post='4287' date='Jul 12 2003, 12:24 PM']Can people tell me what their opinions are of this page:


It claims to be in line with the Church's opinion, but would anyone say that it's slightly extreme? It's from a "traditional Catholic" webpage.[/quote]

I think it may be a bit extreme. A neckline no more than two fingers breadth under the pit of the throat. I can't stand anything even close to my neck which is why I can't wear short necklaces. I don't wear super low cut but, I would be doomed if I had to go by those rules.

To say you must have your arms covered in church, even when it is hot. Whoever came up with that one has never had a hot flash.

I think that may be a bit outdated.

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[quote name='BullnaChinaShop' post='16985' date='Aug 12 2003, 02:12 PM']I encourage Lauren all the time to either not wear make-up or to wear as little as possible.[/quote]

Okay, I misread that as you were telling her to run around with hardly any clothes on. o_O

I wear makeup to hide my acne. trust me, not all women look "better without makeup.". <_<

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RE: Makeup, just throwing my two cents in :)

For me and many other people, I think makeup is more of just a fun, expressive thing than something we necessarily feel like we NEED to wear. I wear makeup everyday, usually just a little for work as I'm rushed, but when I get the chance I like to experiment with different colors, textures, etc. I personally think of it more as a medium for expressing oneself than anything else.

As for the article, I really don't know how to gauge its validity. In any case, if they were guildelines as stated than they don't hold up as offical, dogmatic church teaching. I am all for modesty but I do think the "two fingers below the throat" is a bit extreme. I think one can be modest even if not adhering strictly to these guidelines. That said, I think it'd be nice to see more modest dress out and about. Some of the outfits I see are not only immodest, they are just outlandishly tacky.

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Spamity Calamity

[quote name='Jake Huether' post='4523' date='Jul 14 2003, 09:09 AM']Boy did I get ripped. I tried to explain...

It isn't simply rape but also harrassment, etc. You can't say that the way a girl dresses doesn't effect the way a guy acts. Most rapists / harrassers do not want to struggle for what they want, so they search for easy girls. What is an easy girl? Well, if she looks easy... odds are...

Please, there's gotta be someone who agrees. Theres no excuse for rape nore harassment. Just like there is no excuse for being drunk. But if you wave a bottle in front of an alcoholic... C'mon. If certain women would dress respectfully, then they wouldn't be in a possition to get attacked.

Like me walking around in LA with a 50 dollar bill haning out of my pocket. Should I be held accountable if I get robbed? Not really! Could it have been avoided? Probably.[/quote]

Jake I agree with you.

I mentioned this a similar thread but if a woman dresses provacatively I'm not gonna take her seriously. I just don't, sorry, and a lot of men won't either. I think this is what happens in terms of rape and stuff like that. The women don't get any respect and to an individual inclined to that behavior that makes you stand out to them.

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[quote name='Spamity Calamity' post='1446542' date='Jan 16 2008, 02:11 PM']Jake I agree with you.

I mentioned this a similar thread but if a woman dresses provacatively I'm not gonna take her seriously. I just don't, sorry, and a lot of men won't either. I think this is what happens in terms of rape and stuff like that. The women don't get any respect and to an individual inclined to that behavior that makes you stand out to them.[/quote]

I don't think you really get it. Rape is not a crime of sexual passion, some guy overcome with hormones. Rape is about control and power and anger. Children are raped, 80 year old women are raped, men are raped. It has not an iota to do with what someone is wearing.
To say that men can't help themselves to rape or harrass women simply because a woman is dressed provocatively certainly doesn't say much about those men or their self-control. For so called "normal" men, no means no regardless of how a woman is dressed.

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  • 1 year later...

I admit. :mellow:

When I wear a long skirt. I feel different. I hold myself different. It's kind of cool! :cool:

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='princessgianna' post='1882695' date='Jun 4 2009, 12:15 AM']When I wear a long skirt. I feel different. I hold myself different. It's kind of cool! :cool:[/quote]

i completely agree. Plus, i've noticed men also treat me with more respect when i am wearing a really long skirt instead of a pair of jeans.

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My problem is: When I go to mass directly after school (I´m a teacher) I can´t always change my clothes before. For work, I always wear trousers - for mass I want to wear a long skirt (it really IS somehow STRANGE to wear the veil with trousers. A few weeks ago my bishop saw me in trousers and veil and after mass he told me: "I speak to you personally as a man to a women: Veil and trousers is an absolute no go for me... could you please wear a skirt next time?" ;) I told him: "But you know that I am not a sister - and I don´t want all people think I am." And then he said: "People in your parishes know what you are - so it is all right." Well, it´s his decision. I am not the one to blame if people still think I belong to an order... ;))

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[quote name='SponsaChristi' post='1885427' date='Jun 7 2009, 03:21 AM']My problem is: When I go to mass directly after school (I´m a teacher) I can´t always change my clothes before. For work, I always wear trousers - for mass I want to wear a long skirt (it really IS somehow STRANGE to wear the veil with trousers. A few weeks ago my bishop saw me in trousers and veil and after mass he told me: "I speak to you personally as a man to a women: Veil and trousers is an absolute no go for me... could you please wear a skirt next time?" ;) I told him: "But you know that I am not a sister - and I don´t want all people think I am." And then he said: "People in your parishes know what you are - so it is all right." Well, it´s his decision. I am not the one to blame if people still think I belong to an order... ;))[/quote]

thats interesting.

i wear trousers and the veil often too and it does feel weird.

i agree with princess gianna. i do tend to get more respect from men in a skirt... i even tend to get more respect from them with a veil on.

funny and embarrassing: my black and brown veils have holes in them (getting caught in my purse zipper) so i can't wear them anymore, so i have to wear this white one (which i dread wearing) and I was sitting in line for confession and i was the only one there. There was supposedly a wedding that was going to happen. I was in trousers and a blouse and I had the veil on. The deacon asks me, "Are you here for a wedding? Are you getting married?" I was like Scarlett O'Hara, "As God is my witness, I'll never wear that white veil again!" I don't know why he would think a woman would wear trousers and a blouse to get married in and go to the trouble to put a veil on. :ohno: Oh well.

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