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leaving the rcc


How often do you suppose people have willingly left the Catholic Church that they knew was true? (one who actually fills the clause to have turned away from what one knew as true)  

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[quote] People will walk away to live the sinful lives they want to.[/quote]

True. Free will allows that. I should have been more specific that my statement was more towards the three examples that I've listed in previous posts.

But I don't think the "I don't feel the love" is in any way a cop out. I think too many folks have the attitude of "I'm fine with God and that's enough" and forget one irrefutable fact.

Our faith is, and always has been, dependent on others. When people leave, our faith suffers.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Feb 20 2005, 09:20 AM'] But I don't think the "I don't feel the love" is in any way a cop out. I think too many folks have the attitude of "I'm fine with God and that's enough" and forget one irrefutable fact.

Our faith is, and always has been, dependent on others. When people leave, our faith suffers. [/quote]
It is a cop-out for some, not all.

Our faith does suffer because everyone is made for the kingdom of God. We want everyone to go to heaven. However, it is thier own choice to leave. And if they leave the Church, knowing full well that it is the truth and the only way to salvation, fully knowledgeable, than they will suffer more than we can ever imagine.

Again, I'm not disagreeing with the fact that we are to help each other. But if that is ALL we have, we will be disappointed time and time again. You MUST put more trust in God than in your fellow man. Because it is those you love the most that will hurt you the most.....except God.

If we are to reflect the love of Christ, people will hate us and misunderstand us just as they did Jesus. And some will reject the truth. Why?

Because we all have free will.

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[quote]But if that is ALL we have, we will be disappointed time and time again. You MUST put more trust in God than in your fellow man. Because it is those you love the most that will hurt you the most.....except God.[/quote]

I don't think jamie is saying that helping one another is the be all and end all of our faith. What I think she is saying is that the "fullness" of our faith is:

Depending on God and supporting one another.

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[quote]I don't think jamie is saying that helping one another is the be all and end all of our faith. What I think she is saying is that the "fullness" of our faith is:

Depending on God and supporting one another.[/quote]

That's pretty close Angelofjesus (Mind if I call you Angelo? ;) ) What I'm trying to get folks to recognize here is that our faith is dependent upon each other. I get the feeling that there are some that would disagree with that fundamental statement.

Hey Angelo... thanks for having my back!!

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Jamie makes a point. We do depend on other people to teach us about the Faith, to carry out the Christian message, and to be our friends (even proverbs praises a good friend).

Only the first is important. Teaching us about the Faith and preserving it is all that we can expect humanity to do, sinc ethe Holy Spirit carries on this task by the infalliable Church.

WE are all called to support each other. We are not called to be consoled. While it is a good thing to have support, it is far from a good thing to look for support in other people. Only spouses should do that (they are one in flesh) but even then spouses are only human and may not recognize this oneness. That only leaves God as our only expected source of support. Having a supporting friend is a boon to us, but should never be expected.

A good example is one I told my friend : We are all here to help each other. We are all to show kindness to each other. But if you expect kindness from anyone else it is no longer kindness being bestowed upon you from your perspective, but a duty being carried out. People aren't perfect, and expecting anything from any human is sure to end in dissapointment. The only thing you can expect from anyone else is for them to fail.

The Church isn't an AA meeting for alcoholics. It's a place where the alcoholic may find God and receive His Grace. Finding someone who can help him with the problem is a blessing that should not be demanded as part of going to Church, or being part of Her.

In reality however, we do lean on many people, and this does dissapoint us. Some people ar emore reliable than others and they should be sought out. However, we must all strive to depend on God alone. Even when working through one of His children, the person is still not perfect.

God bless,

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nicely put mikey,

the only thing I disagree with hot stuff is the statement he made that our faith is dependent on each other. We DO need other people (heck, I need people to change my oil in my truck for me!) but I don't think we are totally dependent on others for our faith.

and I thought hot stuff was a guy? :blink:

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I think it's like anything else in life. If you know for a fact that whatever it is you have the true, or right, or only thing then you are going to hang on to it. I think that very little people walk away from what they KNOW is the truth, and it usually has to do with some circumstance which they are feeling angry or betrayed about (my opinion).

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  • 2 years later...
Guest JeffCR07

[quote name='argent_paladin' post='525034' date='Feb 16 2005, 10:34 AM']The way the question was worded, I would have to say "no one". Aquinas says that we aloways choose what appears to us to be true. PJ2 says that humans are by nature truth seeksers. No one knowingly chooses a lie over the truth. Even if someone says "The Church is true, but it denies me pleasure so I choose pleasure instead", they really mean that pleasure is their truth not the Church, because the Church teaches that there are more important things than pleasure. I don't believe that a single person who believes all that the Church teaches has ever left the Church because that would be a contradiction. If one believes what the Church teaches about heresy or indifference and about the nature of sin and the joys of heaven and the blessings of prayer and community, etc it would be inconcievable that someone would leave.
I would also say that there is a difference between accepting the Church's teaching and truly understainding it and knowing that it is true.[/quote]

I disagree, argent, and to be honest I think this is a misreading of both Aquinas and JP2. Your position is essentially the position of Socrates (the philosopher, not the phatmasser), namely that Truth and Knowledge are one and that if someone really [i]knows[/i] what is good then they will do it. This is a position that Aristotle directly argued [i]against[/i] and Thomas Aquinas inherited this aspect of Aristotle's thought. The reason and the will are not the same faculty for Aquinas and it takes a great deal of effort and virtue to make reason the master of the will. As such, it is absolutely possible for someone to [i]know[/i] intellectually the Truth of the Church and to will for something else. This is so because the will can either be guided by Reason or by the Passions, and oftentimes certain passions - especially shame, despair, or anger - are able to turn the will from what we know intellectually is true.

Your Brother In Christ, Mary, and St. Dominic,


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i was gonna say it, but jeff already said it, as usual. so, what jeff said.

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