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Jesus is my Buddy

Gal. 5:22,23

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[quote name='Gal. 5:22,23' date='Feb 14 2005, 09:13 PM'] Okay, I have a question that I feel is relevant. What happened to the thief on the cross according to the Catholic Church? Scripture only says that he asked Jesus to remember him in His kingdom and that Jesus assured him that "today you will be with Me in paradise." I have read Catholic commentaries that say that "paradise" is not heaven, but the highest level in Purgatory. Either way, the outcome was pretty good for a criminal who probably wasn't walking with God.

It appears that all the thief did was express his faith in Jesus. Any thoughts? [/quote]
Baptism of desire is what took place there, from what I know. Since the baptism of desire is not a sacrament and yet functions as one, my answer is in line with Brother Adam's. However, since the baptism of desire isn't equivical to Baptism in effect (that is we don't know if it does everything Baptism does, just that it allows for salvation of the soul (NB Catholic scholar who would like to correct me if I'm wrong, please do so). So while the theif could be saved (which would be the case if he went to Heaven or purgatory), it doesn't mean he was cleansed of all his sins since he didn't receive Baptism (the sacrament, notice the capital B, and again open up for correction). So he may have gone to either Heaven or purgatory, but it seems clear that by God's Grace, he received salvation from the eternal flames and Satan.

God bless,

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