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Ideas For Saint Costumes?


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For CCD, we're having the kids dress up as saints.. And of course, my class doesn't want to participate.. <_< I've got three high school girls who think going to church is like, the lamest thing ever. Do you guys have any ideas of simple saint costumes I might persuade them to wear?? I somehow have to convince them that being Catholic is cool. B)

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thats a toughie....hmm....

how about you get them to dress like st. Dymphna? (sp?)

she was a princess. that would probably be cool to dress up as her.

then give them alittle book on her bio so they can read it and learn about it...


i bet these girls will break after awhile...i mean you can only keep that "cool" stuff for so long before you realize your looking UNcool by trying to be cool.

okay that probably didn't make sense. :blink:

but i'll keep thinking........by the way how old are these girls? :unsure:

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I've got tons of ideas for you...

St. Teresa is fairly easy. I bought a brown king size pillowcase, and cut armholes in it, then had my daughter wear a turleneck underneath that, dark tights, and a veil, and carry a dozen silk roses.

St. Rita of Cascia wears a plain black habit (A black blouse, skirt, stockings, and veil) with rosary. She carries a crucifix, and has a blood stain on her forehead (I used red nail polish.) She was given a thorn in her forehead from Christ, as she prayed to endure just a bit of the suffering He endured during His Passion. She is the patron saint of hopeless cases...a good one for those lukewarm students!

St. Kateri Tekawitha, the Lily of the Mohawks, was a Native American. Chamois colored attire and moccasins...

St. Elizabeth of Hungary was a queen. She sneaked bread and food to the poor. When her greedy, evil mother-in-law confronted her and forced her to open her cloak, she prayed to God that her charity wouldn't be discovered. Instead of bread, when she opened her cloak, roses fell!

St. Maria Goretti was a beautiful Italian teenage maiden. She carries 14 lilies for the number of times she was stabbed by her would-be rapist, Alejandro. After her death, she appeared to him in his jail cell, and brought about his repentence and conversion.

St. Agnes was also a beautiful youth. She's pictured with a lamb, since "agnus" means "lamb." She promised her virginity to God, and was martyred when she refused to marry a possessive young prince. As I recall, they stripped her and sent her to a brothel. Anyone who dared look lustfully at her stripped body fell dead.

St. Catherine LaBoure wore an unusual habit, but fairly easy to construct. As an orphan, she adopted the Blessed Mother as her Mommy. Our Lady later appeared to her, and gave her instructions for casting the image today known as The Miraculous Medal.

Good lessons here for purity and courage for young women...And I've got lots of others!!!

Pax Christi. <><

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oh, oh, oh!

St. Joan of Arc was dressed as a warrior...

St. Catherine of Siena wore a white habit and a crown of thorns. She bore the stigmata (a great lesson for students to learn of the stigmata!)

St. Rose of Lima was a beautiful hispanic teenager.

Do you need any guys' saints? Or just girls?

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I could send you great pics, if only I had a scanner. :(


P.S...don't forget St. Mother Teresa of Caluctta, White Habit with Blue stripe trim, and rosary!

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hey i've got some cool clothes (kinda like towels but their not)

and they have a blue stripe across them and they look like its from the Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta Order!!


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I know this is a bit off topic, but since Anna mentioned St. Maria Goretti, I wanted to ask, doesn't she also go by another name? I'm almost certain I've heard that same story about the would-be rapist but young woman went by another name.

::running to look up what the name was::

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Those are soooo great!! Thank you so much! I'll suggest these to the girls, and I'll prolly end up helping them make their costumes.

One of the girls just turned 16, the other two are eighth graders. They all come from really broken homes (with no religious example coming from their parents! <_< ) So please keep them in your prayers!!

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I was once St. Sebastien for an elem. school play and everyone really liked my costume. All I wore was shorts and a short towel w/ arrows poking out everywhere - a little fake blood too. It was a realy easy costume to put together. I think the kids might like it if they don't mind being in the buff when it's cold outside.

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lol I didn't mean to suggest this one for the ladies - that would be a little inappropriate.

For the girls who are ''too cool for church'' I suggest something in full habit, kinda like Sister Act - that'll teach 'em some respect!!!

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i know one thats cheap and cool! St Francis! Just get a brown robe and tie a rope around you! Maybe a little bit of fake blood for the stigmata (sp?) and ud be set!

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im goin trick or treatin as St. Francis for halloween

haha.. ure never too old to trick or treat! espec. when ure not only collectin candy, but money 4 good causes!

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