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hey i am a roman catholic and i was just wondering what everyone else thought about catholicism. for catholics, why did you choose catholicism out of the many denomintations of christianity? and for non-catholics, why didn't you choose catholicism AND why did you choose whatever denomintation you are over roman catholicism? thanks for the responses! God bless you all :o)

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For me, I feel that I didn't choose to be Catholic. I feel more that God has chosen me to be apart of his amazing Church![i] I choose to stay[/i] because in His Church I have found so much truth and blessings. I have become closer to God and excepting his love. I love the teachings of the Church on Mary, the saints, all of it...simply because it is T-R-U-T-H! ^_^

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For me, it wasn't exactly something of choice. I was born and raised in a non-Catholic church (Lutheran...yeah, not quite Catholic...) and well, that's just where I've been ever since. I mean, I've kind of learned about other religions and denominations and all, but for the most part, I've been rather sheltered. But now, I'm learning all about Catholicism, and to be honest, I'm loving it. Sooo, who knows...We'll just have to wait and see.... ^_^

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Catholicism isn't a denomination ^_^

FaithThroughItAll, see my post in the Catholic Church forum at CGR (I'm the mod there, 2ManArmy).

I'm Catholic because the Catholic Church is the true Church that Jesus Christ founded over two thousand years ago.

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Guest BjBarnett

Im Catholic and I chose the Catholic church because it is the one true church that God created himself. No other church can say that they were founded by Jesus Christ himself.

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[quote name='BjBarnett' date='Feb 10 2005, 10:35 PM'] Im Catholic and I chose the Catholic church because it is the one true church that God created himself. No other church can say that they were founded by Jesus Christ himself. [/quote]

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I am Catholic because there is no other choice. Christianity is the only religion that made sense to me, and as such I can only recognize the oldest form of Christianity to be the fullfillment of God's word. So, I'd say it has very little with me choosing to be Catholic, and very much with God calling me to be a Christian, which can only be done completely in the light of His Word, which is manifested and kept in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

God bless,

Edited by MichaelFilo
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I am a Catholic...Latin Rite Roman Catholic. Why? Much like Mikey, it makes sense. Oh, hi Mikey, long time no see.

Also, I am a philosopher/theologian so the study of wisdom and the study of God have lead me on a search for the Truth. The only answer I can find logically, that is both sound and valid, is Catholicism.

I am Roman Catholic because that is the tradition in which I was raised.


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I wasn't always Catholic, but I became Catholic once I realized that it is the [b]One True Church[/b], and contains the [b]fullness of truth[/b]. There was no other choice once I faced those facts. :)

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='Feb 10 2005, 11:08 PM'] I am Catholic because there is no other choice. Christianity is the only religion that made sense to me, and as such I can only recognize the oldest form of Christianity to be the fullfillment of God's word. So, I'd say it has very little with me choosing to be Catholic, and very much with God calling me to be a Christian, which can only be done completely in the light of His Word, which is manifested and kept in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

God bless,
Mikey [/quote]
dope answer

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' date='Feb 10 2005, 10:30 PM'] Catholicism isn't a denomination ^_^

FaithThroughItAll, see my post in the Catholic Church forum at CGR (I'm the mod there, 2ManArmy).

I'm Catholic because the Catholic Church is the true Church that Jesus Christ founded over two thousand years ago. [/quote]

Because Catholicism is the mother church of all Christendom, it is not to be referred to as a denomination.

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