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Your Politics: Liberal/Conservative/Centrist?


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[quote name='AtheistAlex' date='Feb 8 2005, 11:58 PM'] I dunno, someone started it. I asked about political positions, and someone started us on this.
Oh yeah, i started it hahahaah.

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I'm really not sure to be honest... conservative usually.

[b]AthiestAlex[/b], I have to admit, your name is pretty funny. :lol:

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[quote name='musturde' date='Feb 9 2005, 12:01 AM'] blech,  then the term of Atheist would have been different for them than us because atheism in our society is a denial of the belief of God and before, if they are considered Atheist, we'd have a different definition of atheism for them. [/quote]
Sorry to hear that.
I don't see it that way, so I cannot agree on that definition.

Oh, and yeah, I knew it you, I was just trying to be oh-so-subtle.

[quote]If I were a mod, I'd say something quippy like 'Take it to the debate table' but instead I'll just say welcome.[/quote]

And I think no less of you for it. Thank you. ^_^

[quote]AthiestAlex, I have to admit, your name is pretty funny[/quote]

Thanks, I guess. :huh:

Edited by AtheistAlex
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[quote name='AtheistAlex' date='Feb 9 2005, 12:06 AM']

Oh, and yeah, I knew it you, I was just trying to be oh-so-subtle.

hahaha, you did a good job. :ph34r:

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Atheist is someone who believes/knows that there is no God.
Theist is someone who believes/knows that ther is a God/gods.
Agnostic is someone who is not sure whether there is a God or not.

If you think there is a proof for the existence of God, you are a theist.
If you think there is a proof for the nonexistence of God, you are an atheist.
If you think there is no proof for the existence or non-existence of God, you are an agnostic.

I think that the agnostic vs atheist distinction is a good one to maintain. As an "agnostic atheist" (a not-knowing not-god-believer) are you between the two stances? Or just confused? Or do you disagree with the terminology?

And if you truly are an atheist, I would like to see your proof for the non-existence of God.

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I disagree slightly with the terminology because they cast untrue ideas about atheists and agnostics. Agnosticism, from what I have read, observed, and learned through experience, is a sect of atheism, called weak atheism by many. This is a position where a person says, that one cannot, with certainty prove that a God or gods exist or don't exist.

a~ = without
gnostic = a person professing knowledge in the supernatural

So, all an agnostic is by the etymology, the roots of the word, is one who knows they cannot for sure prove if any God(s) exist or don't. They do not profess to have knowledge of the supernatural in either direction, you see?

Still, because atheism is merely, and only to be without God belief, all agnostics are atheists. Thusly, my title of "agnostic atheist" is in fact, redundant. Still, many do not see it the way I do, so I must make this distinction, you see?

Thus, I disagree with the terminology. And I wish you good tidings.

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You too. Heh. You too...the great atheist conspiracy is coming, just wait...<evil laugh, then awful coughing> beaver dam you common cold!

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[quote name='argent_paladin' date='Feb 9 2005, 12:30 AM'] And if you truly are an atheist, I would like to see your proof for the non-existence of God. [/quote]
Oh, and as an agnostic, I am telling you, after a while I've found, no one can prove or disprove the existence of a God. If it is possible, then you can disprove the existence of Zeus and the other Greek gods, right?

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Not all definitions can be reduced to their etymology. For example, Goodbye comes from "God be with you" but I assume that when you say "bye" to someone, you are not wishing that a deity whom you do not believe exists should remain in their proximity. A "cynic" comes from a Greek word meaning "dog". "Stoic" means "porch". Sometimes etymology can be illuminative but shouldn't be followed mindlessly. You answered my question with your fuller definition. I would consider you an agnostic. It think the agnostic/atheist distinction is simpler than your agnostic atheist/atheist distinction. If all agnostics are atheists, then why add that second word? Why not just call yourself an agnostic? People will not assume that you are agnostic about whether pizza exists, or unicorns, but about whether God exists.

The reason why I dislike your definition is that it doesn't jibe with my experience. I have heard on more than one occasion someone say "I'm not an atheist, I'm agnostic."
"Agnostic" was coined by Thomas Huxley and he meant it to be not a denial of God but rather a denial that one could have knowledge of God or his existence. An atheist denies the existence of God.

I guess you could divide atheism into strong and weak and conflate weak atheism with agnosticism, but why go to that trouble? A-theist = denial of God; a-gnostic = denial of knowledge of God. That's pretty simple.

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[quote name='AtheistAlex' date='Feb 9 2005, 12:58 AM'] You too. Heh. You too...the great atheist conspiracy is coming, just wait...<evil laugh, then awful coughing> beaver dam you common cold! [/quote]


oh..and I'm ah.....Rebecca.

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