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[quote name='musturde' date='Feb 8 2005, 10:59 PM'] Naw, if there was no God, the thought of a person being atheist or not wouldn't exist. [/quote]

I said we'd all BE atheists, which is not dependant on whether or not there would be a term for atheism. In fact, I am sure there would not be such a term. Still, we would all have the one characteristic of atheism, which is that we'd be without theism, simple as that.

Don't be a stranger,


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[quote name='Specter' date='Feb 8 2005, 11:04 PM'] but it does take a LOT of Faith to NOT believe in something. [/quote]
Oooh, I'm popular already.

Oh about what you said, I need to understand why you said that.

What's your support for this argument?

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Do you mean "believe in something that doesn't exist"?

I disagree. Belief has nothing to do with the fact of its existence. Knowledge of the aforementioned entity's existence is different, however. Because I do not have, and cannot find such knowledge, I do not believe. Understand?

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[quote name='AtheistAlex' date='Feb 8 2005, 11:04 PM'] Irrelevant.

I said we'd all BE atheists, which is not dependant on whether or not there would be a term for atheism. In fact, I am sure there would not be such a term. Still, we would all have the one characteristic of atheism, which is that we'd be without theism, simple as that.

Don't be a stranger,

Alex [/quote]
No, there wouldn't be a term for it. Theist = believer of God. Atheist is derived from that.Without the belief of God, there are no people who are claimed atheist because you have to have a group of people believing in something to label yourself into a group that rejects it.

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It seems you misunderstand atheism still, my friend. Atheism itself is only the lack of a belief in God, so it is not a rejection of God, nor an acceptance of an existence we can't prove, it only encompasses the fact that we cannot, and/or do not believe in a God or gods, for any number of reasons. I said, "If we knew there to be no God, we'd ALL be atheists." That means, if we KNEW there to be no God, we'd all be atheists. But, truthfully, I must admit, that wouldn't be true, probably. Skeptics of all kinds and creeds will always exist.

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I'm a Catholic concenred with social justice, human rights, moral issues, and the environment. Anything less than perfect isn't good enough for me to apply my name to... so I'd say I'm just... Catholic. Everyone else is corrupt anyways. I'm not going to say 'I don't have a label' because, after all, chosing not to conform is really just conforming to anarchy.

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[quote name='AtheistAlex' date='Feb 9 2005, 12:20 AM'] Atheism itself is only the lack of a belief in God, [/quote]
Kind of like evil is the lack of a due good, huh?

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I am going to reply to the original message about politics. I am a union electrician and a cathlic. all i want for christmass is a pro life demicrat

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[quote name='musturde' date='Feb 8 2005, 10:54 PM'] Atheist: "There's no God"
That doesn't make sense. If you are able to say the word "God", he must exist as a thought. If he exists as a thought, then saying "There is no God" is a contradiction to itself.

Agnostic: "There may be a God but we have no definite proof of it"

That makes more sense. I classify all "atheists" as agnostics. So, you're either "A theist" or an agnostic but i wont call you an atheist. [/quote]
Sorry, I missed this earlier.

The part about atheists saying "God" meaning they accept God is incorrect. To say the name of a concept is, in my mind, and in the mind of a lot of my friends, a way of showing respect to your audience. I could put quotes around it, and act arrogant, as to insult your belief in such a concept, but I show you the respect I wish you to reciprocate, by saying God as you would, though I am arguing against God's existence.

Oh, and as a human concept, God does obviously exist. But not necessarily as a supernatural concept.

Let's speed it up, I can't wait for your responses all night,


P.S. Agnostic Atheist, all together now. Agnostic Atheist!

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[quote name='AtheistAlex' date='Feb 8 2005, 11:20 PM'] It seems you misunderstand atheism still, my friend. Atheism itself is only the lack of a belief in God, so it is not a rejection of God, nor an acceptance of an existence we can't prove, it only encompasses the fact that we cannot, and/or do not believe in a God or gods, for any number of reasons. I said, "If we knew there to be no God, we'd ALL be atheists." That means, if we KNEW there to be no God, we'd all be atheists. But, truthfully, I must admit, that wouldn't be true, probably. Skeptics of all kinds and creeds will always exist. [/quote]
without the ideas of Gods, there'd be no atheists. which would mean that they creat atheists.

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Feb 8 2005, 11:23 PM'] Kind of like evil is the lack of a due good, huh? [/quote]
That's a good little quip, there. Get them in now.

Kind of like how blind faith is the lack of facts, huh?

See, we can all play that game. :D

Hakuna Matata y'all,


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so why do you capatalize it as if it were a proper noun?

I simply don't believe the notion that someone cannot believe in the existence of God. Whats your real problem with Christianity and the Church?

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[quote name='AtheistAlex' date='Feb 8 2005, 11:26 PM'] Sorry, I missed this earlier.

The part about atheists saying "God" meaning they accept God is incorrect. To say the name of a concept is, in my mind, and in the mind of a lot of my friends, a way of showing respect to your audience. I could put quotes around it, and act arrogant, as to insult your belief in such a concept, but I show you the respect I wish you to reciprocate, by saying God as you would, though I am arguing against God's existence.

Oh, and as a human concept, God does obviously exist. But not necessarily as a supernatural concept.

Let's speed it up, I can't wait for your responses all night,


P.S. Agnostic Atheist, all together now. Agnostic Atheist! [/quote]
You didn't understand me. God, to atheists, exists as an idea. If he exists as an idea, he exists even by thought.

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