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Charles E. Curran


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Does anyone know who he is and what heterodoxical items he taught to get chastized and get ousted by my beloved Panzer Ratzinger?

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The reasons are LEGION:
Charles E. Curran
1992 Bridge Building Award Recipient

In 1992, the board and staff of New Ways Ministry instituted a Bridge Building Award to recognize an individual who has contributed through scholarship, leadership, or witness to the improvement of the relationship between the lesbian and gay community and the Catholic Church. The Board of New Ways Ministry selected Charles E. Curran as its first recipient.

Fr. Curran is the Elizabeth Scurlock University Professor of Human Values at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He has served as President of the Catholic Theological Society of America, the Society of Christian Ethics, and the American Theological Society.

As a world-renowned moral theologian, Fr. Curran has called the theological community and the Church to address the need for a viable sexual ethic for single and married persons, as well as for lesbian and gay individuals. Through his scholarship, Charles Curran continues to inspire succeeding generations of ethicists with his courage and humility.

Bishop Matthew Clark of Rochester says, "As a theologian, Father Curran enjoys considerable respect not only in our diocese but across this country. He is unfailingly thorough and respectful in his exposition of the teaching of the church. Indeed, I have heard it said that few theologians have a better grasp of or express more clearly the fullness of the Catholic moral tradition."

In his theological writings, Charles Curran has dedicated much energy to addressing the pressing need of the Catholic Church for a viable sexual ethic. He has displayed vision by moving beyond the issues facing single and married individuals to include the crises affecting lesbian and gay persons as well. In doing so, Charles Curran has shown compassion and insight by listening to their experiences and responding to their concerns. [u]He has demonstrated courage in developing and articulating a position which he forthrightly acknowledges to be at variance with episcopal teaching.[/u]
New Ways Ministry appreciates that his positions of integrity have not been without sacrifice. Charles Curran remains among the leading Catholic moral theologians, not only in the United States, but in the world, who take seriously the theologian's role to speak the truth in love.[u] Because of his positions on human sexuality, Charles Curran has been censured and denied deserved professorship at the Catholic University of America as an example to other theologians who would dissent from magisterial teaching on sexual ethics[/u].

Despite criticism leveled against him, Charles Curran continues to present his theological positions publicly in the hope that they might advance understanding and development through constructive dialogue. In 1981, while in the midst of his own case with Vatican authorities, he nevertheless appeared in a public forum during the First New Ways Ministry Symposium on Homosexuality and the Catholic Church. At that time, he spoke about the ethics of a same- sex relationship. This action, we are convinced, did not gain him favor from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.


Edited by cmotherofpirl
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Thanks Cmotherofpirl.

This sheds big light on how he's bent on changing the magisterium's stance. Troubling things: 1. President of Catholic Theology of America. (I will know not to listen to them). 2. A bishop commending him.

Does not bode well on how much of our deposit of faith has been withdrawn and used unwisely.

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Check [url="http://credo.stormloader.com/Doctrine/johnpaul.htm"]this [/url]out too. Unfortunately, I was required to read one of his books for a class in Fundamental Moral Theology. Seminaries really need to be cleaned up.

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[quote]Among Fr. Curran's supporters are such fellow-traveler dissenters as the ex-Jesuit Bernard Cooke; Fr. Richard McCormick, S.J.; David Tracy; Fr. Walter Burghardt, S.J.; and, of course, Fr. Richard McBrien, head of the Theology Department at Notre Dame.[/quote]

Wow, Mcbrien is still in Notre Dame. Sounds like Notre Dame has really become liberal. I read they also allow their law professors to speak against the teachings of the Church. Crackpot university!

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Notre Dame has been playing for the left for a long time. I thought their law school was fairly decent though. Do you have any specific examples?

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[quote]A symposium on law and privacy published in the Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy in 2000, for example, originally contained an article in favor of same-sex marriage (which also made positive remarks about adultery), another in favor of physician-assisted suicide, but none on the opposing side of these issues. The content of the symposium was especially surprising considering the journal’s official policy of "examin[ing] public policy questions within the framework of Judeo-Christian values." (As a member of the journal at the time, I discovered this problem shortly before the publishing date and was able to solicit an article sympathetic to the Church’s teaching on homosexuality.) While recent editions of the journal have been more successful in incorporating articles that reflect Judeo-Christian values, one wonders if the school will continue to face such challenges in the future. Though Notre Dame has done very well in maintaining its Catholic identity, Chelvam says, "I think we might have a hard time filling more religious schools with students who want to promote that identity."[/quote]

Crisis Magazine. Maybe I should not be reading the magazine, I don't know. They seem genuinely orthodox to me. Any thoughts?

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[quote name='AngelofJesus' date='Feb 4 2005, 11:55 AM']
Crisis Magazine. Maybe I should not be reading the magazine, I don't know. They seem genuinely orthodox to me. Any thoughts? [/quote]
What's this have to do with Crisis magazine? Why do you think you should not be reading it? (I'm confused.)

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The Magazine is a mixed bag, but pretty decent on most stuff. I guess with the Law school probably the same: a mixed bag. Who wrote the article you quoted? Rice?

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Feb 4 2005, 12:04 PM'] The Magazine is a mixed bag, but pretty decent on most stuff. I guess with the Law school probably the same: a mixed bag. Who wrote the article you quoted? Rice? [/quote]
I have never seen anything heretical in Crisis magazine. The articles they publish are loyal to the Church's teaching. One may agree or disagree with the political opinions and other opinions expressed in the magazine, but this is true of any magazine. Opinions are opinions.

Theologically, Crisis is solid.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Feb 4 2005, 10:03 AM'] What's this have to do with Crisis magazine? Why do you think you should not be reading it? (I'm confused.) [/quote]
Meaning I got the article from Crisis Magazine.

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There have been a couple of shady things, but nothing heretical that I have read. By mixed bad I meant exactly what you said, lots of diffent opinions of varying degrees of credibility or merit.

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