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Would I be considered catholic ?


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just thought I would get some opionons here


I was baptised in a catholic church as an infant
I received first communion and was then an alter boy
I was then confirmed.......

Now 8 or 9 years later Ive somewhat fell away.....
I dont go to mass regularly.....I do go sometimes though....
When I go I do receive communion......I do belive Its Christ Body........Although I also belive that "daily bread" can be eaten every night at supper.....Wut I mean by that is, that a meal where Im thankfull to God and his sacrifice for me is also partakeing In Christs body........hence the phrase "daily bread"

I belive in and confess Jesus Christ as my savior and I trust in him alone for salvation........

I dont deny that the cathoic church is the church Christ founded, although I wouldnt be one to say that a protestant or baptist church isnt a church of God.... there are certian things I dont agree with about the catholic church.......although im just a sinner so really my opionon doesnt mean that much....im the first to admit that :)

So what would I be considred ??
Would anyone go as far, to say that im headed for hell ??

Jus curious wut people thought

God Bless

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#1 -- Stop receiving Holy Communion! Missing Mass is a mortal sin, and if you receive the Eucharist in the state of mortal sin, you commit another mortal sin -- sacrilege. And don't receive it again until or unless you've gone to confession and repented of your missing Mass and sacrilegious reception of the Eucharist.

#2 -- Just for the record, nursing disagreements with Church teaching is also a mortal sin. We may struggle with certain teachings, but we may NEVER choose to disagree. That too would need to be confessed and repented of.

#3 -- A regular old meal isn't a participation in Christ's sacrifice. When the Our Father refers to our daily bread, it's a plea for help from above in every need.

#4 -- I can't know the state of your soul, but if you commit objectively mortal sins like the ones I've just mentioned, you could possibly be headed for hell.

#5 -- You may be Catholic, but I say you shouldn't call yourself that unless you're willing to accept all the teachings of the Church.

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I was you about ten years ago. My advice? Either get right with the church or get out. You have to accept it as a whole or not at all. That's blunt, but the truth.

Receiving the Body of Christ in a state of sin and/or without believing fully in His church is [b]very serious.[/b] If I knew you to be in a state that you describe above, and you were attending mass with me, I would physically restrain you from receiving Christ's body if you tried.

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Delivery Boy,

Keep working at returning to the Faith. Pray for God's strength. What Dave said is right though - Don't receive communion unless you go to confession first.

I'll keep you in my prayers.

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I think that there are many "catholics" like you around the nation.

I don't really know what to say about everything that you were talking about it, people here condemn it and it might be that they are right.

Specifically, you don't always have to understand why things are the way they are like the daily bread thing. In one sense of the word that you are not wrong. A normal everyday meal is not a substitute for the Mass. You can offer it up but it does not replace the Eucharist.

If you don't understand but you accept it and are willing to learn then there is nothing that is seriously wrong as far as disagreeing with the church though.

The mortal sin thing mentioned earlier would be iffy here. You [b]must[/b] know that it is wrong and do it anyway. If you would not consent to doing it if you knew it was wrong then the sin is less serious. That does not mean that it is not a bad situation but it might not be mortal.

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You're Catholic in my books, just one thats living in a great deal of sin. I don't think you'd need RCIA, but you'd definaetly need to go to confession and get right.

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[quote name='Dave' date='Feb 1 2005, 01:45 PM'] #1 -- Stop receiving Holy Communion! Missing Mass is a mortal sin, and if you receive the Eucharist in the state of mortal sin, you commit another mortal sin -- sacrilege. And don't receive it again until or unless you've gone to confession and repented of your missing Mass and sacrilegious reception of the Eucharist.

#2 -- Just for the record, nursing disagreements with Church teaching is also a mortal sin. We may struggle with certain teachings, but we may NEVER choose to disagree. That too would need to be confessed and repented of.

#3 -- A regular old meal isn't a participation in Christ's sacrifice. When the Our Father refers to our daily bread, it's a plea for help from above in every need.

#4 -- I can't know the state of your soul, but if you commit objectively mortal sins like the ones I've just mentioned, you could possibly be headed for hell.

#5 -- You may be Catholic, but I say you shouldn't call yourself that unless you're willing to accept all the teachings of the Church. [/quote]
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Guest Eremite


I won't say anything about your spiritual state. All I would ask you to do is purchase a copy of "The Sunday Sermons of St. Alphonsus Liguori" from TAN books and read it during Lent.

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Delivery Boy, I'm praying for you. I'm still in RCIA myself so I can't offer lots of advice like everyone else, but I'm praying for you, and so is Mother Mary and all the angels and saints. :)

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Delivery, go to mass every sunday man. I'd consider you Catholic and I'm having probs with staying close to God as well man. If you didn't know going to mass was a mortal sin or that recieving Eucharist when you had mortal sin on you was a grave matter, than you're good to go. Go to confession anyways. It's a great way to end a week.

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sup Eremite.....im'a try to check that out....thanks bro

Cathurian.....thank you for the prayers....very appreciated -_-

musturde........thanks brother......

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