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Did you see the online homilies? Check out the one on marriage:


Some snippets:

- Well, Jesus replied, I consistently challenged such a liberal understanding of divorce and asserted the lifelong commitment of marriage.

- Yes, but you say in Mark's gospel, and I quote you: "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery." Now isn't that a little harsh, Jesus? I mean, are you saying that a couple who are in a bad marriage must either stay married for the rest of their lives or remain single if they choose to get a divorce?

- No, I'm not saying that at all, Jesus replied. That is to take my teaching in a very literal sense. I simply mean that couples should take the lifelong communion of marriage seriously, and not abandon this sacred covenant quite so easily as some of them do. I fully accept that many marriages, in spite of the couple's honest efforts, do not attain the ideal your church has of marriage. And if that is that case, so be it. Such couples should be free to move on with their lives.

"Free to move on with their lives" - an implied challenge to the Church's stand on divorce/remarriage?

- Well, it's just that there's all this talk these days about same sex unions and arguments over legalizing gay marriages etc. Where do you stand on all of this?

Jesus paused for the longest time. I waited and waited, and then he spoke to me in a clear and deliberate tone:

- My friend, God ordained that marriage should be between a man and a woman who clearly complement each other sexually, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Therefore a same sex union can never be a true marriage. That said, I do not judge or condemn anyone who loves another, and seeks another's love in the only way they know how.

"seeks another's love in the only way they know how"???

Edited by Norseman82
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Does the Pope know that this is what Jesus "meant to say" about marriage? Or better yet, does this guy's Bishop know that this is what he's preaching?

My prayers are with him. Christ was quite clear about the dangers of being a false teacher.


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I think someone should print up these homilies, high light the juicy phrases and mail them all to the Bishop of this diocese . . . give me a second, I'll have an address in a jiffy . . .

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Oh my gosh!!! This parish is going to hell! The youth group website has a picture of the kids with Sr. Joan Chittister, the former president of the Women's Ordination Conference!!

Anyway . . . this parish is in the Oakland Diocese. They have a new (and holy and orthodox) Bishop who is probably not aware of what is going on here. I think a good Phatmasser should help him to be the guardian of Fidelity in his diocese . . .

Most Reverened Allen H. Vigneron (Bpvigneron@oakdiocese.org)

2900 Lake Shore Avenue

Oakland, CA 94610-3697

I'm sure he would appreciate knowing what wacky things they're teaching out in his parishes. And since the priests of this parish have been so arrogant as to post their homilies, well, we can just offer him their own words!!!

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  Norseman82 said:
the ideal your church has of marriage

Your Church? Shouldn't that be MY church? This priest has seriously gone awry. :blink:

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Ash Wednesday

Costumed Halloween Mass??!?!?!?!?!!


- Well, Jesus replied, the ancient Jewish world was an extremely patriarchal and male-dominated society. Women had no rights and all the power belonged to the husbands. They could pretty much do what they pleased with impunity. And that really bugged me.

"That really bugged me." ?


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I wrote :


Most Reverened Allen H. Vigneron,

I am writing in regards to a concern I have with a Parish in the Oakland Diocese called 'Christ the King' in Pleasant Hill, CA .

I wasnt sure if you were aware of a Halloween Mass which was to take place this weekend, where everyone would dress up in a costume during Mass..dont you think that would degrade the Mass? The dignity of the Mass is so important, why lessen it with this abuse? I can see it now, a 10 year old recieving Christ in a Freddy Krueger outfit with the finger nails and all. Such things should be done outside of Mass, dont you think?

Also, I have concerns about the Priest at Christ the King Parish. Some of his homilies that I have read were not really Catholic Teachings. Take for instance this quote from his website:

QUOTE: *******************

"- Well, Jesus replied, I consistently challenged such a liberal understanding of divorce and asserted the lifelong commitment of marriage.

- Yes, but you say in Mark's gospel, and I quote you: "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery." Now isn't that a little harsh, Jesus? I mean, are you saying that a couple who are in a bad marriage must either stay married for the rest of their lives or remain single if they choose to get a divorce?

- No, I'm not saying that at all, Jesus replied. That is to take my teaching in a very literal sense. I simply mean that couples should take the lifelong communion of marriage seriously, and not abandon this sacred covenant quite so easily as some of them do. I fully accept that many marriages, in spite of the couple's honest efforts, do not attain the ideal your church has of marriage. And if that is that case, so be it. Such couples should be free to move on with their lives."


And then another quote:

QUOTE: *********************************************

- Well, it's just that there's all this talk these days about same sex unions and arguments over legalizing gay marriages etc. Where do you stand on all of this?

Jesus paused for the longest time. I waited and waited, and then he spoke to me in a clear and deliberate tone:

- My friend, God ordained that marriage should be between a man and a woman who clearly complement each other sexually, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Therefore a same sex union can never be a true marriage. That said, I do not judge or condemn anyone who loves another, and seeks another's love in the only way they know how.


These are just a few examples of things stated that do not really coincide with Church Teachings.

I would appreciate your thoughts on this as well as thoughts on the Halloween Mass.

Thank you Bishop for your time

God Bless,

Steve Welborn


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