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"bless me father for I have sinned"


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Jan 28 2005, 12:04 PM'] Its [i]bless me father for I have sinned[/i].
Forgive me Father implies that the priest is forgiving you , he is not, Christ is forgiving you. The priest is absolving you.
There is a difference. [/quote]
"If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” John 20:23

The priest indeed does act in the place of Christ and gives absolution. It is accpetable to say "Forgive me...." as long as one does not believe the priest gives absolution apart from Christ.

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

I always just imagine that the priest is Christ, and I'm asking Christ (our Father) to forgive me because I"ve sinned.

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You should imagine that Christ is WITH you and the priest. Because he is. :)

The bread and wine BECOME the body and blood of Christ. The priest does not.

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

Blah blah blah :P

I don't think I got it through the way I wanted to. I imagine that I'm confessing my sins to Christ, not the priest. But I, consciously, know that the priest is the 'intercessor' (I'm sure I used the wrong word). In other words, I don't imagine that the priest is who I'm confessing to, or even talking to, it's Christ that I'm talking and confessing to. Does that make sense?

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Yank out that Catechism deary. There are 20 of them in the living room and a few around the bedroom.

(hey - you always have to have one at an arms reach right? :blink:)

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jan 28 2005, 01:24 PM'] I haven't. We are talking about confession. Let's here it. "Adam is right and I am wrong".

Come on. Fess up. [/quote]
If I did that, I'd have to find a priest and say:

"Bless me Father for I have sinned"


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