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"bless me father for I have sinned"


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I say it too. I don't like when the priest says absolution during contrition. I've had that happen once. It wierds me out.

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ok, I have never said it cause I usually get really nervous for confession, on time I tried to say it and I just kinda mumbled "umm I've sinned" and the priest just looked at me and said, "yea", with the priest I've been going to for awhile, he always gives me a blessing cause I guess I dont' say this.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jan 27 2005, 07:54 PM'] I say it too. I don't like when the priest says absolution during contrition. I've had that happen once. It wierds me out. [/quote]
i've never had that happen to me.

but for the bless me father, everytime!! :banana:

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

[quote name='Mrs. Bro. Adam' date='Jan 27 2005, 10:41 PM'] I thought it was "Forgive me Father for I have sinned"

have I been saying it wrong? :confused: [/quote]
Patiently waiting....

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my priest, right after me sitting down, says a blessing to the effect of "may the Lord help you to remember your sins and confess them, etc".....so i guess it kind of accounts for the "bless me Father...." part.....i dont think ive ever said it.....i may start though.....i think i like it

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Mrs. Bro Adam.. I've said it both ways... (lol).. cuz I think I've heard it both ways.

Anyhow, I usually say (whichever pops out) "Forgive me Father..." or "Bless me Father..." when I go to a priest other than my (previous :sadder: ) spiritual director. My SD always started it out before I ever had a chance when he knew it was me and would just begin with the sign of the cross and then say a few words about "trusting in God's grace through the ministry of the Church" and "invite me to confess" my sins...

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The priests I go to always start with the sign of the cross before i even kneel down and then ask me to start confessing my sins, so I always just say "It's been (so many) days since my last confession" if they start like that and don't ask for the blessing and just go straight into my sins.

Is it too late to ask for the blessing if the priests start like that?

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Hahaha - I lied! I was scared that saying 'Forgive me Father...' was the wrong thing to do, and I'd been saying the wrong thing all along. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one saying that.

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I say "Bless me Father for I have sinned, it has been --- since my last confession" as well. I haven't heard that there was anything other than this usually said.

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Its [i]bless me father for I have sinned[/i].
Forgive me Father implies that the priest is forgiving you , he is not, Christ is forgiving you. The priest is absolving you.
There is a difference.

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I say "Bless me father, for I have sinned..." etc. I started doing that fairly recently, I think, and I'm not sure what started it.

One thing that annoys me about some of my confessors is that they never give me a good penance. I always have to "perform an act of kindness" <_< So I usually say a decade of the rosary on my own.

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I say it even if the priest DOES say some words of blessing as I'm kneeling down... Thats the way I've always done it. Usually they say some blessing as I'm kneeling, I say "Bless me Father...." and then prattle off my sins... so, technically, I guess I've already been blessed (usually).

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