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"bless me father for I have sinned"


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At my Church, the Confession is face to face with the Priest. Same with when I do it at school. Even if it wasn't, you have to go find the Priest during confessional hours because not many people go so he just goes and prepares for mass.

Anywyas, I say 'Bless me Father, I have sinned. It has been (too long) since my last confession.'

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[quote name='Balthazor' date='Jan 27 2005, 06:05 PM'] God sees me while I am committing the sins. That is a lot more embarrassing to me than a priest watching me while I recite my sins.
I am not good at confession......sigh..... I always get nervy and forget stuff, and stumble over my words. And yes it is the same behind a divider as it is face to face. [/quote]
Get a notepad. If you must...

I have too many to remember...

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I typed up my sins once but the priest siad It's better I dont' do it lest I forgot the paper.

Yes, it stinks when you get rushed. THey need to give more tiem for confession, more people would come! I just wish they never hurried things up, and this wouldn't be a problem if not so many people came before Easter and Christmas all at once, and only those times in the year.

God bless,

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I always say "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been ____ since my last confession."

And to marielapin and Bullnachinashop: giving absolution while the penitent is saying the act of contrition was the norm prior to Vatican II. I've only encountered one non-FSSP priest who still does that, though.

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I do not think thier is anything Pre Vatican 2 about it. Any book I have read about confession including my new Roman missal says to start out that way. I cannot think of any reason to do it anyother way or anyother way of doing it.

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[quote name='bamthor' date='Jan 27 2005, 06:54 PM'] I do not think thier is anything Pre Vatican 2 about it. Any book I have read about confession including my new Roman missal says to start out that way. I cannot think of any reason to do it anyother way or anyother way of doing it. [/quote]
I was referring to saying the act of contrition while absolution is being given, not separate from each other.

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[quote name='marielapin' date='Jan 27 2005, 05:19 PM'] When Jared and I went to confession during this past Advent there were a lot of people in line, so the priest, to speed it up, said the Absolution DURING my Act of Contrition. It really weirded me out. I could hear him speaking, and it made me lose concentration. Then afterwards I asked him about it and he told he had already said it. I don't like that at all. <_< It was more distracting than helpful, plus I LOVE hearing the words. [/quote]
At my last confession the priest didn't "ask" me to say the Act of Contrition, nor did he give me the chance to... I also got one of those "ask God in your own way...." penances, so as part of my penance I said it. :P I dislike those kinds of penances. :wacko:

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[quote name='Dave' date='Jan 27 2005, 06:59 PM'] I was referring to saying the act of contrition while absolution is being given, not separate from each other. [/quote]
I think Bamthor meant Tony's original post where he said he wasn't sure if saying "Bless me Father.... etc." was pre-Vat II or not....

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uh, what else are you supposed to say?

I mean, I'll usually have a chat with my priest beforehand, but how else do they suggest we begin it?????

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[quote name='Tony' date='Jan 27 2005, 02:29 PM'] Im just curious of people still do that at confession.. or if it was just a pre Vat II think or what... I have never said that in a confession :blink: [/quote]
Vatican II didn't mention it....;)

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