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"bless me father for I have sinned"


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[quote name='theculturewarrior' date='Jan 27 2005, 04:35 PM'] I say it. I find that these improvised reconciliation rites are one of the most annoying all the newfangled abuses.

I haven't found a priest going by the books yet in my diocese...they rarely ask for an act of contrition! [/quote]
You can still use the old form, if you so choose.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Jan 27 2005, 03:48 PM'] I didn't realize it was "optional" :unsure: [/quote]
We're not talking about absolution.

In the old rite, you would say, bless me father for I have sinned. And he would give you a blessing. And then you would confess...

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I say: "Bless me father for I have sinned. I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary ever virgin, to all the angels and saints and to you father that I have sinned. I was at confession__ago. By the grace of God I recieved absolusion, performed my penance and went to Holy Communion."

I don't know why I do it that way but I'm used to it.

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[quote name='LSW' date='Jan 27 2005, 03:03 PM'] I say: "Bless me father for I have sinned. I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary ever virgin, to all the angels and saints and to you father that I have sinned. I was at confession__ago. By the grace of God I recieved absolusion, performed my penance and went to Holy Communion."

I don't know why I do it that way but I'm used to it. [/quote]
wow that is awesome. I like it! I've never heard that before.

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[quote name='theculturewarrior' date='Jan 27 2005, 04:02 PM'] We're not talking about absolution.

In the old rite, you would say, bless me father for I have sinned. And he would give you a blessing. And then you would confess... [/quote]
I didn't know that we could just start in... That's kinda :wacko:

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When Jared and I went to confession during this past Advent there were a lot of people in line, so the priest, to speed it up, said the Absolution DURING my Act of Contrition. It really weirded me out. I could hear him speaking, and it made me lose concentration. Then afterwards I asked him about it and he told he had already said it. I don't like that at all. <_< It was more distracting than helpful, plus I LOVE hearing the words.

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[quote name='marielapin' date='Jan 27 2005, 04:19 PM'] When Jared and I went to confession during this past Advent there were a lot of people in line, so the priest, to speed it up, said the Absolution DURING my Act of Contrition. It really weirded me out. I could hear him speaking, and it made me lose concentration. Then afterwards I asked him about it and he told he had already said it. I don't like that at all. <_< It was more distracting than helpful, plus I LOVE hearing the words. [/quote]
It was annoying. I got all jumbled up saying my Act of Contrition b/c of it.

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Yeah...I didn't mind it so much when the FSSP priest did it. I didn't understand the Latin anyway. I was distracting though. :)

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[quote name='Lil Red' date='Jan 27 2005, 03:34 PM'] i still do. always have. bless me father, for i have sinned. it has been ___ since my last confession. [/quote]
That's what I do as well.

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I go in kneel down . and start with the sign of the cross. And then i say. Bless me father for i have sinned it has been 1 1/2 weeks since my last confession. then i say my sins and after that he gives me penance and after that i say my act of contrition and after that he gives me a blessing and absolution. sign of the cross again and that is all.

Oh i LOVE confession.

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I never liked the kneeling for conession actually because of the divider.. easier to know that hte priest can hear me when I can see him

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God sees me while I am committing the sins. That is a lot more embarrassing to me than a priest watching me while I recite my sins.
I am not good at confession......sigh..... I always get nervy and forget stuff, and stumble over my words. And yes it is the same behind a divider as it is face to face.

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