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a website's opinion about the EU


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I saw this on another forum and thought it was at least a little bit interesting.

I believe it is protestant and predicts the end of the world yet again.

I thought it might be interesting to look at... though it doesn't really serve a practical purpose because the end of times thing has been raging for 2000 years. I don't think it will quit now.

Though these things seem to be picking up steam, is that something that catholics should worry about?

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It'd help if you posted the URL.... :P

We are in the end times, ever since Christ came. We just don't know when the world will end. People have been predicting it for hundreds of years.

How did they determine when the world will end? I don't beleive any of that stuff. I've also heard something around 2037 (or so) thrown around a lot, since that is when the Mayan calendar ends. Right... <_<

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oops, sorry i forgot to hit paste. oh well it didn't really say much anyway. It just reported on world news stuff..

my fault, but it was kinda funny ....

sorry guys.

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