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Make-up Your Own Holiday


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If you could create your own zany holiday what would it be? :huh:


"Try to Stuff a Marble in a Light Socket Day" or

"Take a Bullfrog to Music Class Day" or

"Wear Pink and Purple Polka Dotted Socks on Your Ears Day" or how about

"Watch the Revolving Plate in Your Microwave Turn in Opposite Directions Day" (hehe....) ;)

I know you all could come up w/ some good ones!! :lol:

Edited by emalouhow
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Disco Day!  (That's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, I like it, uh-huh, uh-huh . . .)


how about "lets-see-who-hang-the-longest-upside-on-the-monkey-bars day"

or "who-can-ride the merry-go-round the most w/o throwing up or falling off"day?


im so creative :rolleyes:

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national dance in a parking lot while singing "oh happy day" the loudest you can and hitting that one high note (ya know...when he like screams WAAAASSSHEEDD) even louder

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How a'bout- National "Eat a Pink Flamingo" Day.

It would be great...we could have like Pink Flamingo festivals all over the US with streets decked out in pink and ppl could wear feathers instead of clothes (appropriatly ofcourse) and we could have bbq flamingo, skewed flamingo, chocolate covered flamingo, flamingo gumbo, flamingo bobs, carmel diped flamingos rolled in chopped nuts.

And then we could all dance around and eat flamingos while doing that wild and crazy flamingo dance.

(YYYYeeeeee HHHHaaaah!)

Great eigh? that's what I thought.

we could have hay rides through a flamingo park! The opportunities are endless! Plus it would give us an excuse to eat all the pink flamingos we wanted- seeing that there is quite an abundance of the animal.

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