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The Strongest Dioceses In The Us....


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  vianney said:
Being a girl i am intersted to know


I thought you were in the seminary????

Was there a major doctrinal change that someone didn't tell me about?????

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  Paladin D said:
Wow, at first I thought BLAZEr was a guy, then a woman, now a guy again...

I am a mystery . . . an encounter with the transcendent Being that is more than my constituitive parts!

Mhwahahahahhah :ph34r:

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  BLAZEr said:
I am a mystery . . . an encounter with the transcendent Being that is more than my constituitive parts!

Mhwahahahahhah :ph34r:

You ethier...

A) Practice witchcraft


B ) Are a hacker

...I think it's B.

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  Paladin D said:
You ethier...

A) Practice witchcraft


B ) Are a hacker

...I think it's B.

Yikes!!! A hacker? that's sounds so . . . criminal . . . I'm not that . . . don't do the death penalty on me!!!

and can guys be witches? I don't know about that . . . either way, I'm not a witch.

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  M.SIGGA said:
The Archdiocese of New Orleans is the most rockin' diocese in the United States! It's the only city in the US where there is a Catholic institution on almost every corner and where almost all restaurants have a lenten menu and where everyone in the city has ashes on their heads on Ash Wednesday. Also it's cool b/c if you use public transportation, almost everyone sitting in the street cars and buses uniformly make the sign of the cross when speeding past Catholic Churches. There are  Three Catholic Universities and Notre Dame Seminary and a million Catholic schools and high schools to chose from. There are numerous traditional, life teen, charismatic, african american, and bilingual masses to chose from, and I think our city has the prettiest and biggest churches in the entire United States b/c our bishops haven't gotten too liberal yet  :lol: . Our 200 yr old St. Louis Cathedral is the oldest and most amesome in the United States and we have the biggest Carnival celebration in the northern hemisphere.

It's also one of the few cities where you can find a mass to go to on almost every hour from 8am to 9pm on Sundays.

''In a Catholic city (country) one will find good music, dancing and fine wine!"

wish i could see that....

i love those examples! Here it's actually rare to see someone with ashes on their foreheads on ash wednesdays, even catholics don't cross themselves when they pass a catholic church (I'm an exception!!)....and we're supposed to have a huge catholic population... :(:( :(

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  M.SIGGA said:
ohh yeah... New Olreans is home to Bl. Fancis Seelos, was a home to St. Katherine Drexel, St. Francis Cabrini, and Servant of God Henriette Delille. Bl. Francis Seelos has a beautiful shrine at St. Mary's Assumption Church in New Orleans where he is buried. Our football team was even named the New Orleans SAINTS after the city's Catholic heritage.

:lol: :D B)

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  BLAZEr said:
ok . . . I'll give you props and you last bishop was a holy holy man .  . . too bad the seminary there in the 80's was called "Notre Flame"

Anyway .  .  . I'll give New Orleans props, as soon as I get out and visit again . . . the last time i went I was not quite interested in 24 hour Adoration .  .. . more the Girls Gone Wild thing . . .

Oh Happy Grace!

I feel your pain. :blink:

When I was 11 i went to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I just wanted a soda and to go home, i was so bored, now i'd do ANYTHING to be able to go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I guess this is mostly a glass half, full have empty kinda question. Beign a physics major in college I've always been a dualist. The galss is simultaneously half full, and half empty. Therefore, I would like to declare my dioceses the BEST, and THE WORST with no contradiction. Its important to keep in mind the things we are doing right ,but nto forget about the things we do wrong and could do better at. -_- :mellow:

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Thomas Michael

Glad to see Austin appearing in this thread. Austin's got some real nice churches, and the University Catholic Center by UT has Sunday Masses as late as 10:00 pm! (And all of them are packed with young, devout students and other young adults... a welcome sight to behold if you ask me.)

I would love to move back to Austin... but I got two things working against me: 1) Housing is way expensive, and 2) my wife and her family side with the Aggies, who generally regard Austin as enemy territory. <_<

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