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The Strongest Dioceses In The Us....


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Peoria, Illinois!!! We have a really great bishop (many of you have read Bishop Jenky's Erin Feis homily) and he's been really making good changes in the diocese. (regarding the sexual abuse accusations, especially)

We just seem to have a great core of good Catholic families- a large Lebanese population.. (and out of that comes congressman Ray LaHood!) Many good and holy priests.. and of course, ME! ;) (just kidding!)

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ok . . . so maybe a thousand people are gonna disagree, but I think Arlington was great under its last bishop and especially its last vocation director, but I think the jury is still out in my mind on Loverde . . . I'm sure some people up in New York can tell us more about him . ..

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ok . . . so maybe a thousand people are gonna disagree, but I think Arlington was great under its last bishop and especially its last vocation director, but I think the jury is still out in my mind on Loverde . . . I'm sure some people up in New York can tell us more about him . ..

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I live in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, and yes, I'd have to agree that it's a really wonderful archdiocese. Lots of vocations and lots of emphasis on eucharistic adoration!

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  Paladin D said:
Too bad I live in the Diocese of Richmond, VA.  :(

There is hope . . . we call it an Age Limit . . . and mortality . . . both of which are good words when talking about American Bishops . . . usually . . .

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  BLAZEr said:
There is hope . . . we call it an Age Limit . . . and mortality  . . . both of which are good words when talking about American Bishops . . . usually . . .

Am I in any danger though?

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just a minor point but sioux falls is in south dakota. And Bishop Dinardo from Diocese of Sioux City is right in line with the churcha nd knows his stuff. He is changing the diocese into orthodoxy day by day.

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  Paladin D said:
Am I in any danger though?

umm . . . danger? Well, let's just say that Sullivan isn't known for his Orthodoxy . . . but there are good priests in your diocese I'm sure . . . And you guys have a new bishop (or will soon)

LUCKILY, Deacon Keith Fournier is in your diocese (he runs Deacons in the Service of Life and Third Millenium) he could point you to a good priest

This is an article he just wrote about the fact that your Bishop just reached the age limit and resigned:


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The Archdiocese of New Orleans is the most rockin' diocese in the United States! It's the only city in the US where there is a Catholic institution on almost every corner and where almost all restaurants have a lenten menu and where everyone in the city has ashes on their heads on Ash Wednesday. Also it's cool b/c if you use public transportation, almost everyone sitting in the street cars and buses uniformly make the sign of the cross when speeding past Catholic Churches. There are Three Catholic Universities and Notre Dame Seminary and a million Catholic schools and high schools to chose from. There are numerous traditional, life teen, charismatic, african american, and bilingual masses to chose from, and I think our city has the prettiest and biggest churches in the entire United States b/c our bishops haven't gotten too liberal yet :lol: . Our 200 yr old St. Louis Cathedral is the oldest and most amesome in the United States and we have the biggest Carnival celebration in the northern hemisphere.

It's also one of the few cities where you can find a mass to go to on almost every hour from 8am to 9pm on Sundays.

''In a Catholic city (country) one will find good music, dancing and fine wine!"

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Tough question. So many factors to weigh. I dont think I Know enough about any diocese other than the one I'm currently in to make a fair judgement. But that also means I have nothing to compare my own with. Our bishop of Rockford, IL is a very good administrator, is wise, and has a wonderful heart, but sometimes he has a hard time relating to people. We have more vocations than the archdiocese of chicago does with a fraction of the population. So we aren't doing too badly , but there is a great deal of improvement that can be made. Plus the larger population as a whole contians many jerks that we don't seem to be having much of an influence upon. I think we are too silent as a church. We need to speak out about issues that effect the larger community to the larger community.

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