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Blood soon to flow again at Temple Mount


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A good thing? How can the re-establishment of the hierarchy of a false religion be a good thing? Crusader, I think you are overreacting here. If you think for one second that the Sanhedrin does not plan to re-institute the Passover sacrifice (in which case blood will most certainly flow there once again), you are fooling yourself. I don't think they will be able to (or at least I hope not), because it would, as you know, require the rebuilding of the Temple. It's been tried. God destroys it every time.

In any case, I think you are out of line accusing James of lying.

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actually this isn't the only place i have seen that. It could be considered. It would fit the times right now. If they do, much will change in a hurry cause some people will go nuts.

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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Jan 25 2005, 11:51 PM'] Be that as it may, how do you explain your lies? [/quote]
I have not lied.

If you provide an example from something I've written which you interpret to be a lie, I'd be happy to clear up your misunderstanding.

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Sorry, you're right. You didn't lie. You did however, put emphasis on the passover sacrifice and blood spilling on Temple Mount, which makes the passover sacrifice seem like its human sacrifice when its really just a lamb.

And I wouldn't say God crushed the Temple so much as God allowed it to be crushed as a result of faithless infidelity.

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it was God's will that it be destroyed. God does not want it in existance anymore, that was the Old Covenant, He has made a New Covenant that has replaced the old. God will not receive their sacrifices kindly considering He already sent His Son to stop them once before.

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The attempted rebuilding was destroyed by various phenomena, not humans. The most striking example is the account of the events that took place when Julian the Apostate attempted to have the Temple rebuilt. The attempted construction was destroyed by fire belching from the ground, falling from the sky, earthquakes, etc. Very strange stuff reminiscent of the other accounts of the destruction of Jerusalem under the Babylonians and then under the Romans. Only this time, no humans were involved.

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Isn't there a Mosque on the Temple Mount?

My blog commentary: [url="http://www.weathersweb.com/blog/reader.php?action=permalink&entry=1106756149"]http://www.weathersweb.com/blog/reader.php...ntry=1106756149[/url]

Edited by Mary's Son
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[b]US politician hopes to speed building of third temple[/b]

Orly Benny-Davis has come a long way from her youth in Ramat Gan. Today a well-known US political activist, Benny-Davis ran for the senate last year in her home state of South Carolina. On Monday night, she was in Jerusalem to attend the 11th annual Temple Mount dinner and to[b] help speed up the construction of the third temple. [/b]

[b]Close to 1,000 right-wing religious activists converged on the Jerusalem International Convention Center[/b] to celebrate Tu Bishvat and listen to speakers on various topics – ranging from what the economy will be like in the time of the third temple to what type of government is ideal according to the Torah.

"The temple is part of our history," Benny-Davis, who sponsored the festivities, told The Jerusalem Post. "When I argue with people who criticize us that we are occupying another nation, I explain to them that the land has been ours for thousands of years. Just look at the Temple Mount."

The Jews, she says, deserve a temple just like the Christians and the Muslims.

"Look at what the Italians did in Rome with the Vatican and how much money they make," Benny-Davis, who spent 15 years living in Italy, said. "The Muslims also have a temple, and we, who came back to our land 2,000 years later, don't have one, which is needed to initiate the final return to Israel."

[b]Calling her 2004 bid for the senate "a battle for God," Benny-Davis said she is in the process of lobbying congressmen to pass a resolution that would ensure Israel retains sovereignty over all of the holy sites, including the Temple Mount. [/b]

The point of the festive dinner, she said, is to get people excited about their Jewish heritage. "We need to get the ball rolling and to get people excited to make things change," she said.

Prior to the festive dinner, the Temple Mount Faithful met in the foyer to look at the most recent temple artifacts Rabbi Menahem Makover, of the Temple Mount Institute in the Old City, has constructed.

[b]Makover said his institute has already completed constructing all of the artifacts except for the altar, which needs to be physically constructed on the Mount. [/b]

How will the temple be rebuilt while the Muslim mosques are currently standing?

"No one knows how the temple will be built," he said. "But that is not the main issue. What we are here to do is to inform people of the importance of the temple and to show them it is not a theoretical idea but is real and alive."

Not everyone agrees with Makover that the way to rebuild the temple is not known.

[b]"Maybe there will be a tsunami-like disaster similar to the one in Southeast Asia which killed hundreds of thousands of people," [/b]said Baruch Ben-Yosef, a member of the Temple Mount Faithful. [b]"The mosques will be moved to Mecca where they should be, and we will climb the Mount to build an altar and conduct sacrifices."[/b]


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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Jan 26 2005, 12:32 AM'] A good thing? How can the re-establishment of the hierarchy of a false religion be a good thing? Crusader, I think you are overreacting here. If you think for one second that the Sanhedrin does not plan to re-institute the Passover sacrifice (in which case blood will most certainly flow there once again), you are fooling yourself. I don't think they will be able to (or at least I hope not), because it would, as you know, require the rebuilding of the Temple. It's been tried. God destroys it every time.

In any case, I think you are out of line accusing James of lying. [/quote]
Amen!! That's the first thing that came to my mind.... God will not let it be rebuilt..

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Well, for starters, Judaism isn't a false religion. The people that follow it in the form they do simply don't recognize their messiah.

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There is but one true religion (hint: it's not Judaism). If something is not the true religion, it is by default false. It may contain some truths, but even the most pagan religions contain some truths. Would you say that they are not false religions?

It should also be noted that modern Judaism is not the same as Old Testament Judaism. They are quite distinct.

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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Jan 29 2005, 12:12 AM'] :rolleyes: Catholocism [i]is[/i] the full version of true Judaism. [/quote]
One must be careful when making statements of this nature. There are many distinctions that commonly get lost in discussion of "Jews," and "Judaism."

If what you mean to say is that Catholicism is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophesy, you would be correct.

If, on the other hand, you mean to connect Catholicism with rabbinic Judaism and it's Talmud and Kabbalah which were written well after our Lord's death and resurrection (and which also contain a great deal of blasphemy and hatred for our Lord), that would be incorrect.

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popestpiusx, mentioned earlier the miracles which occured when Julian attempted to rebuild the temple in the fourth century.

Cardinal Newman wrote an essay about those events in which he gathers the various historical accounts and sorts them out. It's quite interesting.

[quote]"And did we see at this day a great attempt made to reinstate the Jews as Jews in their own land, to build their Temple, and to recommence their sacrifices, did the enemies of the Catholic Church forward it, did heretical bodies and their officials on the spot take part in it, and did some catastrophe, as sudden and unexpected as the fiery eruption, befall the attempt, I conceive, whatever became of abstract definitions, we should feel it to be a Divine interference, bringing with it its own evidence, and needing no interpretation." Cardinal Newman[/quote]


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