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Can Certain PC/Video Games Draw Demonic Forces?


Can certain PC/Video games draw demonic forces?  

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Umm, being a gamer myself, or at least, I used to be once, I can tella nyone that a game is a decent route for any demonic force to go on and take a hold of you. A hard core gamer may play for hours on end, doing nothing else, just to reach another level, or such. Now, thats not to say that in itself is demonic possession, but it sure would be a clear sign. The problem with gaming is that it is inherentily materialistic, that is, there is no aspect of gaming which can be regarded as aiding us in our spiritual journey (albiet, I should say, that doesn't make it evil; also, it should be noted that I often game with a friend while we talk on microphones, which removes the real threat of demonic possession or extreme preoccupation and allows a game to be a social event where it IS possible to grow and learn).

Prime example : World of Warcraft was put out by Blizzard (a highly regarded gaming company which has put out very addictive games out because of the effort and work put into them) and, like most MMORPGs (Massively-multiplayer online role playing games) drew in a large crowd of "hardcore" gamers who would put in hours on end. I myself got the game the first day it came out as it was the next part in the Warcraft story. Well, I myself quickly put in more than a few hours and began to realize the game was interfeering with my life and especially my (daily) Church-going. It is a damned good game after all. Anyways, I don't believe I was possessed, but surely I was being lured by the demons. I didn't go out and practice the occult afterwards, but it is a doorway into that curiosity which leads a man to ponder things and look into things that are best left untouched. At any rate, some kids were much more warped with it than me, but became dissillusioned eventually. Anything that draws us away from God or gives us false happieness is really not gonna be good. However, the demonic aspect is rare, but I believe possible.

God bless,

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