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Transgenderism what is your opinion?


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I was just wondering what y'all opinions were on transgenderism? My opinion is and I'm sure because most of y'all on here are Catholic agree with my opinion but I know a few arent, My opinion is that transgenderism like homosexuality was not created by God by rather by the devil and people who say "I was born transgendered" I beleive is not true because I beleive a person who is transgendered is so because they are not happy with how they were born because of certain reasons the list could go on and on about what those reasons are or because we all have temptations and things that the devil afflicted on us such as homosexuality, transgenderism suicidel impulses etc and transgendered people just give into these afflictions.... I hope I did not offend anyone on here who is transgendered or gay if so, I would like to add that this is just solely my opinion on the desease not the actual person... because I know a few gay people and they are some of the nicest people I know.... I dont not however know anyone who is transgendered but I'm sure they are some very nice individuals out there who are trans. because they are just the same as all of us its just they are inflicted with this disease.... and oh yes, in another thread I posted on soso something or other who said they were transgendered said "if you think the behavior of transgenderism is freaky then you think transgendered people are freaky" that statment I do not agree with as that would be the same as saying a gay person is just 100% gay they aren't anything else besides homosexual they cant play sports, write songs or act in plays... A person who is transgendered or gay or whatever is not 100% that they are a person who has feelings, has talents etc etc I hope i didn't offend this particular user saying this

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Not to be rude, but try to organize your thoughts a little more before clicking the 'add thread' button so that we can get a clearer idea of what it is we are discussing.

God Bless,


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thats okay I didn't expect u to know because well duh! I've never said that on here lol id be 100% amazed if you knew bc that would mean ur physic

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My opinion on transgendered people is that God, infinitely perfect and blessed in Herself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created transgendered people to make them share in His own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to transgendered people. She calls them to seek Him, to know Her, to love Him with all their strength. She calls them together with all people, scattered and divided by sin, into the unity of His family, the Church. To accomplish this, when the fullness of time had come, God sent Her Son for them and for the many as Redeemer and Savior. In His Son and through Him, She invites transgendered people to become, in the Holy Spirit, His adopted children and thus heirs of Her blessed life (cf. [i]Catechism of the Catholic Church[/i], #1).

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hyperdulia again

[quote name='Good Friday' date='Jan 21 2005, 11:27 PM'] My opinion on transgendered people is that God, infinitely perfect and blessed in Herself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created transgendered people to make them share in His own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to transgendered people. She calls them to seek Him, to know Her, to love Him with all their strength. She calls them together with all people, scattered and divided by sin, into the unity of His family, the Church. To accomplish this, when the fullness of time had come, God sent Her Son for them and for the many as Redeemer and Savior. In His Son and through Him, She invites transgendered people to become, in the Holy Spirit, His adopted children and thus heirs of Her blessed life (cf. [i]Catechism of the Catholic Church[/i], #1). [/quote]
God as She isn't as scandalous as some might think. Female pronouns are used frequently in the Old Testament, and Julian of Norwick and Hildegarde of Bingen both described God as "Mother" and referred to Him as Her. The intent behind calling the Genderless God she becomes an issue--sometimes people do so to deny the most powerful and consistent way he has revealed himself to us--as male, father, lord, and husband.

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