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Ex-Klansman Blocks Condi's Confirmation


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[b]Ex-Klansman Blocks Condi's Confirmation [/b]

A former Ku Klux Klansman who once vowed to keep the military segregated is single-handedly holding up the confirmation of Secretary of State-nominee Condoleezza Rice, the first African-American woman to be appointed to the office.

"Senator Robert Byrd, an outspoken critic of the Iraq war, announced late [Wednesday] that he would not allow the Senate to approve Ms. Rice without a few days of consideration of her lengthy testimony, and at least a token debate on the floor," reports the New York Times.

Sen. Byrd's maneuver came just hours after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved her nomination by a vote of 16 to 2.

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The West Virginia Democrat, who officially left the Klan in 1943 but continued to advise the anti-black group for years afterward, said through a spokesman that he was merely assuring that the Senate fulfilled its constitutional role of advise and consent.
But the decision by Democrats to make Sen. Byrd the point man in the continuing assault against such a prominent African-American is a particulary awkward one, given his long history of racial misconduct.

In 2001, for instance, Byrd was forced to apologize after he blurted out the N-word twice during a nationally televised interview.

"There are white n****rs, I've seen a lot of white n****rs in my time," Byrd told Fox News Sunday.

In the early 1970s, Byrd pushed to have the Senate's main office building named after Sen. Richard Russell, a leading opponent of anti-lynching legislation who the West Virginia Democrat called "my mentor."

Byrd filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act for 14 straight hours. And three years after he said he'd left his white-sheeted brethren behind, he wrote to Georgia's Grand Imperial Wizard, urging, "The Klan is needed today as never before."

Sen. Byrd was also a fierce opponent of desegregating the military, complaining in one letter: "I should rather die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen of the wilds."

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[quote name='hyperdulia again' date='Jan 20 2005, 10:18 PM'] 'caue some of them are. [/quote]
no its just far far left way outta the ball park left libral rhetoric

man what a bigot- he should be kicked outta the senate

go condi!!!!!! w00t!

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You know what? I don't like him doing that. But that is his right, if he wants to be racist, he can be. That is part of what makes America great. However, he can not be not voting for Condi for more than her race.

And by the way, your story isn't backed up in any mainstream media. Sen Reid lunched the hold up. Check facts, simple things.

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[quote name='hyperdulia again' date='Jan 20 2005, 10:35 PM'] I don't like Condi rice. I don't like Sinbird either. I still think some neo-con goals are very nazilike. [/quote]
and i think- no im sorry i KNOW that the goals of the now very extremly leftist democrat party- led by none other than Howard "AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" Dean, Micheal Moore, and Al gore- are VERY communist and socialst like

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Curtins, its 'rhetoric' like yours that makes me laugh at the debate table. Anything seen as an affront to the Republican party automatically becomes a 'lets bash Democrats'.

This is about a neo-nazi racist radical conservative. Its not about Howard Dean or Michael Moore, and I have no idea how you managed to turn this into that.

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No one is bashing democrats.

The most vocal democrats are hollywood... which is made up of high school dropouts, the uneducated, and drama grads. People who build a career on being high paid court jesters. They think they're smarter than anyone who believes in God. They think they're better then others because they have money.

They have the greatest double standards that I have ever seen.

The democratic party is not the party of 50 years ago.

Those in the democratic party have no integrity and base their statements on polls. Zell Miller is an exception to the rule.

The democrats have been screaming about Social Security for God knows how long, now, when Bush is going to make it better, they say there is no crisis.

Almost every major democrat claimed to be pro-life at one time but chanced to pro-choice to make the party happy.... no integrity.

When a democrat is a hateful kkk bigot, they say "That's what makes our country great". If a republican doesn't have a black person working for them, the democrats call him racist and nazi.

Democrats want your 5 year old to know about sex, condoms, practicing homosexuality, masterbation, etc...

Democrats don't want your children to have more than 20 minutes of homework a night because they might not do it all and fail.

Democrats want to kill every unborn child that might be retarded, disabled, unwanted, or just bad timing.

Democrats want your teenager to get an abortion without your knowledge. And when 65% of your state votes for parental notification, they'll try to sue their way to make their minority view law.

Democrats give Michael Moores movie of lies awards. Democrats use Moore's movie as an example of the evils of Bush in their campaigns.

Democrats want to use strategy to trick people into voting for them instead of letting them know their agenda... that is why Kerry changed when he talked to different groups.

Democrats want to outlaw the use of the word God because it might be offensive to someone else - but it's freedom of speech to use F***, S***, B****, D***, A**, and the only proper use of God is in GD. You know censorship is the greatest evil our country can do. Your six year old should be able to choose what he wants.

It's time to wake up to what the democratic party has become. Maybe it'll shift back to something good, but not anytime soon. Today and for the last thirty years it has become a group of fringe finatics that care only about their single agenda. Their enemy is God and everything right in this world - therefore they have allied with each other in their common evil.

I'm not a democrat for the above reasons along with 80% of the things they say are lies about republican plans, and nothing about how they will fix things.

I'm a registered republican so that I can vote in the primaries and try to get good Catholics in seats of office, and because 90% of the things I see republicans say about what they plan to do.

[b]When are democrats going to learn that you can't learn about Republican plans and policies from democrats who hate them. Just like with anti-Catholics... you can't learn about the Catholic Church from someone who hates it. That is foolish.[/b]

The republicans are not for the rich and against the poor - that is only what the democrats want you to believe. Just like Catholics do not worship Mary - that is only what Jack Chick wants you to believe.

Democats make a stink that some soldiers in Iraq don't have body armor... Where was the stink when Clinton was president?! There were reports that soldiers were going into battle with one clip and a baggy full a bullets!

If the democrats were better than the republicans, they wouldn't have to attack republicans and they would speak about what they are going to do. The democrats caused me to hate this country as a kid. Thank God I started paying attention to what about the country I hated.

As for the "Right" and the "Left" I'll leave this with a Scripture verse....

[b]Ecclesiastes 10:2 [/b]
[b]The wise man's understanding turns him to his right; the fool's understanding turns him to his left. [/b]

We have a choice... to be wise or a fool. That's what makes our country so great, people can be the fool if they wish.

God Bless,

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hyperdulia again

Ironmonk, I am in substantial agreement with you, except do you think it's bad to like words like "F***, S***, B****, D***, A**." Everyone of those words comes out of my mouth at least once a day.

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[quote name='hyperdulia again' date='Jan 20 2005, 09:18 PM'] 'caue some of them are. [/quote]
That's quite a charge.
Would you care to explain why conservatives are "Nazi-like" or do you want to just throw around tired Leftist name-calling?

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hyperdulia again

Umm...I'm not a leftist....

Do I really have too? I'm tired and already emotionally raw, I'd just as soon not fight with you. I like you.

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