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Looking For A Fair Balanced News Station?

Paladin D

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you go Edited by moderator: personal information ! tell it like it is!!

:o :P

Edited by Lil Red
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I like Fox News the best followed by MSNBC. Big O didnt cover the Terri case, but yesterday Hannity and Colmes covered it for about a half hour. The only reason they call Fox News conservitive is that usually what they say on it is true, and the true ideas are usually consevative ideas. Not always...but most of the time :D ;) :D

I really enjoy Scarbourough country on MSNBC. The guys a smart cookie.

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hey doesn't anybody listen to the slogans?

only FOX News is Fair and Balanced!!! :P

i like FOX News, it's the only news i watch. B)

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  ironmonk said:
He claims to be Catholic, yet has very little knowledge of the faith. I can't remember what it was, but he was on the attack to the Church... this was not cool.

I lost all respect for him as being informed about everything he talks about, sometimes he knows, but he makes the biggest mistake that ignorant Catholics make... if they don't know, they guess or go by what they have "heard".

I wish I could have called him, got through and set him straight.

God Bless, Your Servant in Christ,


I listen to Bill O. on his radio show; but have to agree with others--he's a cafeteria Catholic. I was just talking about him with one of my friends (Protestant) and said, "Bill O'Reilly believes in a personal God. He sees him in the mirror every morning." In other words, the guy has a major Napoleon complex. He'd make one heck of a dictator.

A few things he's mentioned:

  • He believes that God never directly interacts with the world (I guess he forgot what happened 2000 years ago)
  • He believes that condoms and other contraceptives are OK (Bill knows more than the Vatican, I suppose)
  • He believes that abortion is wrong...but it should be legal.

Just a short list. Sean Hannity is A-OK in my book.

CNN--I don't like it. MSNBC--I haven't watched it enough to make a judgment.



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Bill O'Reilly also doesn't think homosexual activity is wrong and believes in gay rights.

Edited by Dave
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  Lil Red Devil said:
If you watch Fox News exclusively, then I'd have to say you are not getting "Fair and Balanced" reporting.

I watch MSNBC. :D

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Rush stomps Bill.... I haven't caught Rush in a lie or being grossly wrong in 12 years.

I don't like (P)MSNBC, NBC, FOX, ABC, CBS.... you have to double check everything these people say.

God Bless,


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