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Personal/private Communion?

Paladin D

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  Anna said:
Is all this mellodrama by you and freaky just another attempt to avoid the REAL TOPIC of this thread?

EXCUSE ME!!! Okay MISS ANNA, I have been trying SO hard to be patient here. I cannot BELIEVE YOU. You are really driving me up the wall right now. I thought you were spose to be an older, mature, grandmother/mother.. yet you're acting like a child! And dont' you dare start saying I am acting like a child now.. at least I'd be acting my AGE. Now HOW ABOUT you SHOW me where I have caused a drama in this thread?

FAR OUT. I have been NOTHING BUT PATIENT while I'm here. But this is the last straw.

*walks away from Phatmass and their hypocrits*

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I do not know how many times I have pointed this out. I'm not here to do ANY of that. I'm here to learn and see what you guys believe. I have not even read properly what you guys have written, I just noticed you guys were all picking on each other so I asked that we could all stop and be friends, and then you PICK ON ME. Now THAT Mrs. Anna-who-is-spose-to-be-a-commited-christian-with-lots-of-children-and-is-oh-so-wise... is immature. Why on earth would I want to discuss with you about any of this?? Anna, hate to tell you, but you've lost all respect on my behalf. I don't even bother reading what you have to say no more, because the fruits you bear seem to be rotton to me.

Dave, Ironmonk, ICTHUS etc on the other hand have my full respect.


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Hey Freaky . . . if you want to learn about what we believe and don't want confrontation or bickering . . . try the School of Community on Open Mic . . . debating is verbotten there and we will be discussing things that have to do with the greatest mystery in the world . . . that God Chooses to have a relationship with us!!!!

Some of the stuff we will read and discuss are very Catholic and you are more than welcome to chime in with how you understand the stuff we're reading and discussing together!

School of Community in the Open Mic

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Jesus took bread and wine in His Sacred Hands, blessed and broke it, distributed it to the Apostles, told them that It was His Body and His Blood. He instructed them to do this to bring Him to the Present again....

This, the Apostles did, and taught their priests to do, who taught the next generation of priesthood, and so on....

So, since the Reformation, those calling themselves Christian have so deformed this Sacred Ritual, that they commonly think they have the ability to imitate Christ, the High Priest, by using any food and any drink, in their own bedroom or out on the picnic table, or wherever, and then they mock and roll eyes at explanations of the Eucharistic, and refuse to ACCEPT CHRIST'S WORDS. (John 6, etc.)

Pax Christi. <><

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Oh, sorry Freaky,

I was talking TOPIC. I was also bouncing back and forth from different threads and different other computer functions.

I didn't see that you'd already refused to discuss the Scriptures with me.

And that would be because....I called you, "young lady?"

God Bless!

Pax Christi. <><

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Oh, and while you're at it, you can add "old lady" to "Miss Anna," and " Mrs. Anna-who-is-spose-to-be-a-commited-christian-with-lots-of-children-and-is-oh-so-wise... is immature" if that will make you feel any better...

But I still wish you'd think--really think--about John 6. ;)

Pax Christi. <><

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This part of the forum is called the "Debate Table", for a reason.

Edited by Paladin D
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It should be called the "Take Things WAY too personally and start calling people names while you skirt the issue because you don't have Truth on your side" Table

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  BLAZEr said:
It should be called the "Take Things WAY too personally and start calling people names while you skirt the issue because you don't have Truth on your side" Table

lol Yeah, if you can't handle it, stay out.

Freaky, you and your Protestant friends have indicated on more than one occasion that you think all of us Catholics are a bunch of quacks and insulted our beliefs many a time. Your outburst in this thread id enervating to say the least. I'm sorry, but if you don't like what people are saying then avoid these types of threads. If you want all sweetness and light stick to Open Mic, thats what its there for.

But the TOPIC of this thread is Communion, and the only TRUE Communion is the Most Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, a Sacrament instituted by HIM at the Last Supper. The entire premise of "private communion" is false, it denies the very thing which Jesus instructed us to do.

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Its always easier to fight than come up with an answer to a question.

THat said, we could use a little christian charity here.

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Yes, if we could bring this TOPIC back around to discuss the Source, Summit,and Center of our Faith, the Most Holy Eucharist, that would be great!

And please, recognize that It is the Center of Catholic Life, so try to hold back on the rolley eyes when discussing the Eucharist, and just show a tad of respect, just in case the Catholics got it right, and that piece of Bread really is (as in "truly, truly I say to you...") the Flesh of the Son of Man...

Pax Christi. <><

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  Freaky Chik said:
Anna, hate to tell you, but you've lost all respect on my behalf. I don't even bother reading what you have to say no more, because the fruits you bear seem to be rotton to me.

Well I have to admit, I agree :(

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Steps into the thread, crosses herself, and ducks because she KNOWS she's going to get hit.

But, guys, go please read the sticky in this forum.

Respect goes both ways.

**Mediator of Meh**

And, yes, I know I haven't posted to this thread yet, but that doesn't mean I haven't been reading it.

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