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ATTN: Curtins


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[quote]and they seem to hate this great country so much
why not leave??? Im sure Canada would much better suit their anti american libral comunist way of thinking.[/quote] Not all of the people on this board are Yankee imperialists. Some of us are actually Canadians who would rather die than move to Yankee-land and have to live under your president. You call us communists just because we have free health care? I'M PROUD OF THAT.

And the reason why I am anti-American? Why I hate your country with every fiber in my body? Well, because of your smug, bigoted attitude towards [b]mine,[/b] and your 'world police' attitude.

Edited by ICTHUS
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1st- stop swearin dude!!!!!! you and people like you are closin down these threads- cause you know you are wrong and you dont want to get the heck embarrased outta you when we respond to your inacurate, annoying, asinine, pathetic, immature attempt to attack us.

so heres my response from the other thread

the one where he called me an imperialstic, papist, bigot- hmmmm a bit hypocryitical dont you think???

well heres my response:

Imperialism??? America is not imperialistic- maybe 130 years ago- but that was then this is now. We arnt imperialistic and I as an individual am not imperialistic. Well actually I think that we need to take over canada and france- but thats a different story.

Im not a bigot- I dont hate the canadian people- I detest the canadian governent and all of its libral antiamerican-ness but does that make me a bigot? I think not.

and YOU are a hypocrite- you call me a bigot then come around and call me a papist b******.

Is the United States of America REALLY a plague on earth?? I think not- how much have we given to the tsunami relief? last I checked it was 350 mil- AND THAT DOESNT COUNT THE MILLIONS IN PRIVATE DONATIONS AND NAVY SHIPS AIRCRAFT ETC. How many people has the US liberated over the years?????- more than I care to count. And if it wernt for the US you would probably be speaking german right now. You calling the US a plague just doesnt make sense- take a look at the facts before you start the name calling.


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america has problems. Canada does to. In fact i think every country ever created has.

Try this one, work to change it instead of getting mad at each other.

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