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dust closed the thread


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not a a bad move dust
fyi he closed this thread [url="http://phorum.phatmass.com/index.php?showtopic=27381"]http://phorum.phatmass.com/index.php?showtopic=27381[/url]

but i do have to respond to iacobus's attack on me using the decloration of independence and constitution.

I have the right to tell them to leave- its in the 1st ammendment

and they seem to hate this great country so much
why not leave??? Im sure Canada would much better suit their anti american libral comunist way of thinking.

dont question my patriotism buddy- you know what so many people have taken attacks at bush like its open season but you'd better not attack our troops because if you do- I dont care if its youre right or your freedom- you are abusing it by trash talking those who PROTECT that freedom- thus you have gone lower than low

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[quote name='curtins' date='Jan 14 2005, 08:11 PM'] I think the lack of sex is already getting to your head

:D [/quote]
:bounce: :knockout: :egg: :banana: :snowman: :huh:

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Why was it closed? Just because Good Friday was misbehaving, why should all those actually debating on that thread be punished?

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[quote name='curtins' date='Jan 14 2005, 06:52 PM'] I have the right to tell them to leave- its in the 1st ammendment. [/quote]
Your solipsistic interpretation of 'Patriotism' is totally mind boggling. Iacobus was explaining to you what America is all about, and either you did not read or do not understand the content of his post. Loving America doesn't just mean waving a flag and crying during the anthem, it means working to improve it.

And while I find its interesting that you feel the need to tell people to leave (Canada is a liberal communist American-hating nation? Do you also think we live in Igloo's?), I do agree it is within your rights. It is also within the rights of any American to go on their soap box and proclaim that the end is near. Its also within the rights of any American (based on your apparent worldview) to call you any number of expletives. Having 'rights' is a lot different from [i]being right[/i].

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[color=red][Edited by Ice Princess: Personal attack on everyone who actually shows dUSt some respect and admiration. And profanity.][/color]

Edited by IcePrincessKRS
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[quote name='Phatmasser777' date='Jan 14 2005, 10:55 PM'] edited original post [/quote]
what curtains said was not sucking up--thats stating fact bro. ;)

Edited by IcePrincessKRS
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well i get to be the strange one here then. I live in america but i don't like it. I would much rather be poor and have nothing. I really mean that to. Americans try to deicde what type of juice we want while people around the world worry about clean water.

It is sad. I don't like being part of it, or part of a society that somehow has determined throught he government that God doesn't exist and shouldn't be anywhere.

American patriotism, if you want to call it that, is kinda sad really. It is an amazing sacrifice of the people in arms. It is a great call and a hard one. If there are any of you here thank you for defending my freedoms. I don't always understand it, but thank you.

The first amendment, as part of our constituion, ohh i just won't start there .......

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jan 14 2005, 10:06 PM'] Why was it closed? Just because Good Friday was misbehaving, why should all those actually debating on that thread be punished? [/quote]
Because when it gets bad enough to where we have to edit every other post in a thread its not worth keeping open.

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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Jan 14 2005, 10:46 PM'] (Canada is a liberal communist American-hating nation? Do you also think we live in Igloo's?) [/quote]
*LOL* :lol:

Did you ever read [url="http://home.att.net/~jbcole/humor/perkycanda.html"][i]The Onion's[/i] "Perky 'Canada' Has Its Own Government, Laws"[/url]? HILARIOUS :lol:

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[quote name='hyper']Nathan was not the only person misbehaving on that thread, in fact, I don't see where he misbehaved.[/quote]
Thanks. I was misbehaving, quite intentionally actually, but you're right -- I was not the [i]only one[/i] misbehaving.

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[quote name='Phatmasser777' date='Jan 14 2005, 10:55 PM'] [color=red][Edited by Ice Princess: Personal attack on everyone who actually shows dUSt some respect and admiration. And profanity.][/color] [/quote]

Thanx Ice ;)

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