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Like in High School before you graduate most high scool papers have a thing called your LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT, where basically you leave behind certain peers something that you own, or a part of yourself as good favor. Well, in context-all for fun, if I shall ever leave PM-here is my last will and testament


Dust: I leave you with a 500$ gift certificate to Pizza Hut, so you can use it to make pizza the official new food of Phatmass to replace the now tiresome tacos, so very tasty and good for you,.

Ironmonk: I leave you with...hmm...what could I give you that would be of use? None of my Catholic books would be of use, you probably have them all anways*looks around* HERE you can have my 8th grade football trophy :lol: . Forget the man on top with a football and think of it as reward for your knowledge of the Catholic faith which brings many closer to the church lol

ZealousRap: I leave you with my ten dollar home based microphone since you claim to have none with you haha

J.R.D.: I leave you with my entire Collection of 2pac CD's. Sorry for the scratches.

Delivery Boy: I would leave you with my entire collection of 2pac CD's but unfortunatley I gave them all to JRD. So I instead leave you with my DVD of Resurrection and this sweet Bandana i got at the fair(I know your white like me, so please, dont wear it in public) :P

Brother Adam: I leave you this sweet statue of Mary for you to put in your front yard. Yea sweet I know. I figure since you havent been a Cat A Holic for too long you havent had time to get one yet. I would give you the matching Joseph to go with it, but unfortunately due to hail, his arm got broken off.

DancesForLove: Since you are such a good fan, I leave you with my AE gift cards because you have an eye for fashion. Heck yea cool cool cool

Dave: I'm giving you my beloved cowboy hat and boots. Yea and the big texas buckle as well. You can thank me later or in your will, leave me your collection of Georgia Peaches.

Tink: Tink My Belle-my admirer from afar. I leave you with my coveted sunglasses-the clear ones seen in my pics in the PictureThread. If anyone deserves them they are you. Also I leave you with
two tickets to Las Vegas for you and I. We will take on all the casino's, noone can stop us :cool:

Paladin: I have some old copies of Star Wars that I never watch, as well as some cool action figures-they are all yours bro-May the force be with you.

Raphael: Since you branded me correctly as "laid back and cool" I now leave you with my many cool things. First of all, you get my Banana Republic Jacket(A big favorite of the Ladies), a mug that reads 'Pimpin is Easy' and of course, my humbleness. I also leave you with these sweet pairs of Sunglasses that are immensley cool. Sweet.

Flowery: Ah my latin princess, With you I leave all the latin things I own. My plastic turtle that I got in the banana republic(its reallie cool) my Virgin De Guadalupe sticker. My shirt of Mary-My other Shirt with my last name on in grafitti above a picture of Our Lady. You know though I am Irish, I have a brown heart. Ay Callindo! Mucho Caliente!

Sammy Blaze: Mwahaha. I leave you with the CD 'Better Dayz' to enhance your knowledge of the greatest rapper who ever lived. Your my boy, so I'm leaving you the important stuff. You get my two most prized rosaries. My blue one which was blessed by the Pope, and my one that turned Gold after it was taken to an apparition site. You can also have the DVD of the movie 'MEAN GIRLS" that my aunt for some reason bought me for Christmas. Lord knows I don't want to watch it.

Musturde: Dude your so cool, you get my car lol

CatholicandFanatical: Man your so wise with the word, you get all my Apologetic resources. Books and all. In you I trust

MC JUST, InDEED + PM rappers. Yall all get copies of Sound Forge ver 6.0 :)

Rachael: Ahh but a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. My rose of Phatmass, mi chika hermosa, my true to the core homegirl. What else can I leave you...but my heart :wub:

:) If I left anyone out, its because I'm not finished with my list, I'm add more people in later.


Edited by Krush2k2
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[quote name='Krush2k2' date='Jan 13 2005, 11:51 PM']
Rachael: Ahh but a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. My rose of Phatmass, mi chika hermosa, my true to the core homegirl. What else can I leave you...but my heart :wub:

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i wish i was around longer to know you guys, why do yall have to leave so soon, i just got here. :sadder: :sadder: Well as much that i know yall now i think yall are really cool and crazy, but that be good

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[quote name='Krush2k2' date='Jan 13 2005, 11:51 PM'] Tink: Tink, My Belle-my admirer from afar. I leave you with my coveted sunglasses-the clear ones seen in my pics in the PictureThread. If anyone deserves them they are you. Also I leave you with two tickets to Las Vegas for you and I. We will take on all the casino's, noone can stop us :cool:
admirer from afar... I sound like a stalker! LoL, thank you very much. Spring's trip will be well worth the wait ^_^ For you, un beau ami!

[quote]Rachael: Ahh but a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. My rose of Phatmass, mi chika hermosa, my true to the core homegirl. What else can I leave you...but my heart  :wub: [/quote]

awwwww.... ^_^ :rolleyes:
*I promise, Ryan!*

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You know as well as I do that you don't have a cowboy hat, boots, or a buckle! So really, everyone else gets something while I don't get jack! :sadder:

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[quote name='Dave' date='Jan 14 2005, 12:26 AM'] You know as well as I do that you don't have a cowboy hat, boots, or a buckle! So really, everyone else gets something while I don't get jack! :sadder: [/quote]

u know krush
u come up with the dopest threads
im gonna have to think about the will

btw this is way off topic
but have you heard that remix to marios "you should let me love you " ??
its fire lol

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Thy Geekdom Come

Micah Jamie James Raphael Murphy


In the event of my death, either untimely or by natural processes, all my possessions I shall bequeath to Jennie Catherine Louise Bramlett.

:huh: What, did you expect anyone else?

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='rachael' date='Jan 14 2005, 08:03 AM'] :rotfl: [/quote]

Rachael...you're up too early...go to bed.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='rachael' date='Jan 14 2005, 08:15 AM'] why are you up then? i'm getting ready for school. [/quote]
Jeez, Rach, you only had to ask once!!! :P


I'm up because I'm doing some last minute packing before I leave for Mass and then Denver today. I'll be gone all weekend. :)

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