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Good Friday..

Guest Aluigi

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don't let him try to guilt you. he's leaving the Church and PMing a bunch of people telling them it's their fault.

may he have inner peace as he ventures out into the chaos that exists outside the Church, and may he one day find his way back but this time for real

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I really can't believe that dUSt and the moderators haven't gotten to this yet. It's really quite shocking. It's a good thing I'm not posting hedonistic pornography, yes?

I could even be doing more damage, but I've decided to refrain and wait for the reaction . . . if it ever comes. Methinks dUSt needs more moderators if I can get away with this for this long.

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you're really being quite immature. just leave, there's no reason for this.

remember the other thread where they suggested homosexuals need psychologists? well i would never say you have to go to a psychologist for that, but perhaps you should go for your anger management issues and your immaturity.


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[quote name='Aluigi']remember the other thread where they suggested homosexuals need psychologists? well i would never say you have to go to a psychologist for that, but perhaps you should go for your anger management issues and your immaturity.[/quote]
Perhaps. Everyone seems to think I'm angry, though. I'm not angry! I was angry a couple of weeks ago, even a month ago. Now I'm just amused and will be even more amused by the collective reaction. You folks are a laugh a minute.

As for my immaturity . . . well, what's more immature? Lashing out at people who are bigots, or repressing one's sexuality because one wants to be accepted by one's peers (that is, peer pressure)? One thing that can be said of me is that I don't often give into peer pressure, or at least not for very long. I think that giving into peer pressure and mob mentality is much more immature than lashing out at people you hate. But that's just me, I guess.

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Peer pressure usually leads people away from Catholicism.

I'm not sayin' that's what is leading you away from it.

But please don't infer that we use such tactics, or give in to them for that matter.


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I never pressured you, just offered Catholic Teaching

the immaturity i speak of is coming here just for attention, to provoke us and 'be amused' by our reaction...


i am no bigot. i still freakin struggle with this homosexuality stuff. but there's also this girl that i fell in love with and am growing more and more attracted to, and the more and more attracted to her i am the less and less i'm attracted to boys. sometimes i get memories of bad stuff i've done with a computer or memories of a kiss i should never have had, but they pass. most people have some bad memories. most people have sturggles. it is not impossible, however, to lead a very psychologically healthy life without ever having sex especially without ever having sex with someone of the same sex.

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[quote name='Aluigi']the immaturity i speak of is coming here just for attention, to provoke us and 'be amused' by our reaction...[/quote]
That was actually not at all my intention when I came here tonight, it just sort of happened that way. (I'll give you a hint why it happened that way: Ironmonk).

As for your sexuality, no need to justify it to me . . . you're the one who has to live with . . . you. Not me.

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i'm in love, so yeah, i live quite contently

anyway, it did end quite maturly. and your little guilt trip attack wasn't very charitable either.

i have nothing left to say, it's up to God and up to you.


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and i'm not living a lie neither, my girlfriend knows quite well about my struggles.

20 or 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 or 100 years of struggling with this pales in comparison to eternity

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Look, again, you have no reason to justify anything about your sexuality to me. I don't see any reason to "struggle" with this, however, because I don't think God condemns people for the way he makes them. That would be rather assinine for God to do. If he does that, then I would rather spend eternity separated from him anyway.

I hope that clarifies my position on my "disorder," my "disease," etc., etc., [i]ad nauseam[/i].

I'm going to go shower now because I feel bad, I have felt bad all day, and showers sometimes help. I will come back afterward and see if I'm banned yet -- I can't believe I'm still able to post.

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Good Friday, I've been following your posts lately. The only thing I can say is that there is nothing that can't be overcome. The greatest mistake either you or I could make is to believe we have nothing wrong with us. If diseased is what a homosexual is, then rejoice, for it is a cross you must carry, and know that your reward in heaven will be great. If you put down the cross now because the burden is too heavy, then what will you have to show before Christ? God loves us all. We are all sinners, but we are loved the same. Don't think that because homosexuality is singled out that you happen to be looked down upon. I think that only through people who struggle with it can we come to a better understanding of it. If you feel supressed, or hated, or even looked down upon, then realize that the only way to make a point here is to teach others of the struggle, and how much the grace of God is active in yoru life. Be an example for us all, not another example of what homosexuality will do when surrendered too.

However, this can only really start when you stop defending homosexuality and the mentality. I have seen you defending it up and down, and I feel quite bad that you seem to think that you are being supressed when in fact, only the modern homosexual attitudes are being looked down upon. Sadly, you happen to portray that at times.

May God make our understanding clearer, all of us,

God bless,


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[quote name='Aluigi']confession would make you feel even better[/quote]
I don't believe in confession.

MichaelFilo -- That's the same drivel I've been hearing for almost two years. I am a gay man and I don't have a disease or a cross. I know that's impossible for you to understand.

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