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1 Timothy 2:5-6


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I would hope whoever you talk to would not be so set in their beliefs that they want you to fight them about it. You should also not be so set in yours or at least not arrogant about it. (not that you are.)

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[quote name='jezic' date='Jan 17 2005, 08:22 PM'] to some protestants it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I am not an experienced apologist. I must work on that. [/quote]
read! Read the scriptures, read the Catechism, and read good books. Some Apologetic, some theology so you grow in understanding. Then the words will just flow. It becomes easy to answer questions. Always work toward a spirit of love however. We don't want to become banging gongs and clanging cymbals as Paul says.

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I understand that well enough. I know i must work on those things (reading the Catechism more than anything)

Though it is strange cause i don't really consider myself an apologist at all. I like interfaith stuff. Apologetics is useful there, but sometimes we just have to trust God to give us the words because some things from our point of view just don't make sense to other people.

I know though, that the Catholic point of view is the one to study, but it is also interesting to look at the other ones.

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[quote name='jezic' date='Jan 17 2005, 10:23 PM'] I understand that well enough. I know i must work on those things (reading the Catechism more than anything)

Though it is strange cause i don't really consider myself an apologist at all. I like interfaith stuff. Apologetics is useful there, but sometimes we just have to trust God to give us the words because some things from our point of view just don't make sense to other people.

I know though, that the Catholic point of view is the one to study, but it is also interesting to look at the other ones. [/quote]
Agustine said that very thing. He basically said that those who challenge are faith are meant to keep us from being complacent. Further, once can study the truth by studying error (as long as you keep yourself well grounded in truth). For instance the concept of nirvana in hinduism points to the communion of the saints. Bible only theology of Protestantism tells us we need to pay more attention to scripture. Pentacostalism arose because of neglect of the holy spirit. It points us back to greater devotion to the HS.

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I thought nirvana was Buddhist.

One strange thing that i notice though in all spiritual religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.) is that they share many common beliefs. If you look at the greatest Buddhist works of one time period(the ones that accept buddha as only a teacher and not a god). They tend to be very alike to Christian monk's, etc. writings. In fact, i think much can be learned from the buddhist way of simplicity and meditation.

should we just start a new topic to talk about this? cause this is getting way off point ...

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