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I have this friend at work and hes constantly talking about revalations or who is the antichrist. Why do a lot of religions or cults do that kind of stuff. When he ask me about it i just say- Look, I try to live every day as christ like as possible,and i will continue to do this till the end. but at the same time I dont go looking for it or get anxiety about it. I mean I would love be with jesus as much as the next guy,but our mission is clearly to continue his mission until he comes. What really cracks me up is he really has strong feelings that its Governor Arnold(CA). Anyways to get to my point, i just wanted to see some of your opinions about anti christ. cause honestly Ive never really developed an opinion until this guy kept bringing it up. To me he has the"sky is fallin" syndrome.

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Who is the anti-Christ? Useless speculation.

Are we living in the "end times"? Useless speculation.

Protestants waste their time with this stuff. Catholics, for the most part, do not.


I operate on the "need to know" theory. And I don't need to know. Luther said it was the Pope of his day! Other Protestants have said it was the Pope of their day! Some now say it's JPII, the holiest man on earth!

Pass the holy water. I smell sulphur burning.


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  Katholikos said:
Protestants waste their time with this stuff.

That is a huge generalisation and you know it. Come on, you have more common sense than that to put everybody (protestants) in this category.

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Oh, yes, I recommend that you buy your co-worker a copy of "The Lamb's Supper, The Mass as Heaven on Earth" by biblical scholar and ex-Presbyterian minister Scott Hahn, Ph.D. The Book of Revelation is not what Protestants have made it out to be. It describes the Catholic Mass that is constantly celebrated in heaven. It was written at the end of the first century in apocalyptic code for the suffering, persecuted Church of that time.

"The Lamb's Supper" is a great book!


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Her is a little of what St. Irenaeus of Lyons (Church Father) has to say about deciding who is the fortold anti-christ...

It is therefore more certain, and less hazardous, to await the fulfilment of the prophecy, than to be making surmises, and casting about for any names that may present themselves, inasmuch as many names can be found possessing the number mentioned; and the same question will, after all, remain unsolved. For if there are many names found possessing this number, it will be asked which among them shall the coming man bear. It is not through a want of names containing the number of that name that I say this, but on account of the fear of God, and zeal for the truth: for the name Evanthas (EUANQAS) contains the required number, but I make no allegation regarding it. Then also Lateinos (LATEINOS) has the number six hundred and sixty-six; and it is a very probable [solution], this being the name of the last kingdom [of the four seen by Daniel]. For the Latins are they who at present bear rule: I will not, however, make any boast over this [coincidence]. Teitan too, (TEITAN, the first syllable being written with the two Greek vowels e and i), among all the names which are found among us, is rather worthy of credit. For it has in itself the predicted number, and is composed of six letters, each syllable containing three letters; and [the word itself] is ancient, and removed from ordinary use; for among our kings we find none bearing this name Titan, nor have any of the idols which are worshipped in public among the Greeks and barbarians this appellation. Among many persons, too, this name is accounted divine, so that even the sun is termed "Titan" by those who do now possess [the rule]. This word, too, contains a certain outward appearance of vengeance, and of one inflicting merited punishment because he (Antichrist) pretends that he vindicates the oppressed. And besides this, it is an ancient name, one worthy of credit, of royal dignity, and still further, a name belonging to a tyrant. Inasmuch, then, as this name "Titan" has so much to recommend it, there is a strong degree of probability, that from among the many [names suggested], we infer, that perchance he who is to come shall be called "Titan." We will not, however, incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of Antichrist; for if it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision. For that was seen no very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian's reign.

St. Irenaeus of Lyons (c. 130-202)

Adversus haereses (inter A.D. 180/199)

Book V

Chapter 30

Verse 3

The rest of the chapters and verses can be found at New Advent

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the govenah of caleefornah being the anti christ? wasnt he in a move where he fought the devil? if anyone was the anti christ of califoria it was gray davis

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  Freaky Chik said:

That is a huge generalisation and you know it. Come on, you have more common sense than that to put everybody (protestants) in this category.


yeah, likos worded his post too boldly, but it is true that Protestants tend to focus on this stuff more than Catholics (I'm not saying that this is an across the board thing, just a generalization). I don't know, I've seen so many different people who "know" who the anti-Christ is, and revelations is so symbolic anyways, I don't even try and point fingers. I agree with Likos, I worry about living my life and being a witness.

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  Katholikos said:
Oh, yes, I recommend that you buy your co-worker a copy of "The Lamb's Supper, The Mass as Heaven on Earth" by biblical scholar and ex-Presbyterian minister Scott Hahn, Ph.D.  The Book of Revelation is not what Protestants have made it out to be.  It describes the Catholic Mass that is constantly celebrated in heaven.  It was written at the end of the first century in apocalyptic code for the suffering, persecuted Church of that time. 

"The Lamb's Supper" is a great book!   


I second that!!!

I got that book on recommendation from Thess.... GREAT BOOK!!!


God Bless, Your Servant in Christ,


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  Katholikos said:
Who is the anti-Christ?  Useless speculation.

Are we living in the "end times"?  Useless speculation.

Protestants waste their time with this stuff.  Catholics, for the most part, do not.


I operate on the "need to know" theory.  And I don't need to know.  Luther said it was the Pope of his day!  Other Protestants have said it was the Pope of their day!  Some now say it's JPII, the holiest man on earth!

Pass the holy water.  I smell sulphur burning.   



I aint wasting my time trying to figure out who the Anti-Christ is.

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