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Hunger Strike


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Thank you Anna for the post..I admit this is Catholic And Fanatical

I dont get thoughts like this alot, actually never really. It was very strange how Friday morning I woke up and thougth this..so im not sure what direction to take..which is why im still praying about it.

God Bless

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I think you need to talk to a priest whom you trust about this before you do it. Better yet, if you don't have one you trust, send me an AOL IM or a PM and I will give you the phone number of a very good priest. He can help counsel you. He is a priest who works for Priests for Life and will be happy to counsel you.

You also need to understand that fasting in order to make a statement is not what fasting is for. Atheists and tree huggers go on Hunger Strikes because they have no faith in a God who will hear their prayer. They have to starve themselves and hope that humanity will not abandon their plea. Catholics fast in order to do spiritual work. Fast because while you are hungry you remember to pray more for Terri. Fast because it creates in you a humble and contrite heart, which God will not spurn. Fast because your material sacriice will reap spiritual rewards for Michael and this wicked judge. Mother Teresa worked with those who were starving and being starved but she never encouraged her nuns to starve themelves. In fact she used to say that they had to have proper rest and nutrition (mind you what they ate is less than what most of us eat) in order to do the work of a Missionary of Charity.

These are just some thoughts. You're heart is in the right place, but you need to be careful. Satan wants to confuse you, and you need the Church's guidance (through a priest) on this one . . .

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  CatholicAndFanatical said:
Ok, after several IM's...I will concede to what you all say..I will drink water..

  I dunno, I shouldnt of posted this thread..my bad.

  My original thought of this was on the RED Alert thread, it was a good idea if I would of done it the way it was originally planned for me to do it.

  if you didnt read that thread then heres the just: I woke up Friday morning with a very strong urge to go to Miami where Terri is at and stay in front of the place that she is at and protest the judges decision, saying that I will go on a hunger strike until that tube is replaced. Since there are media there they would catch wind of it and soon the judges would know and the governors and such..

  but it didnt work that way. I couldnt go to florida, but now I feel like im tooting my own horn by posting this thread when in fact I was only trying to get support. I wasnt boasting about this..just wanted to make that clear.

  How am I going to get the media involved in this if im not even in Florida where its at? That was the whole point is to get media involved.

  anyway, im still praying about this..

I am in Miami. :(

And going crazy because i'm only 14 and can't do anyhting about it.

i take that back. i can pray. and i know that's the best way to help. But it makes you so impatient, you don't feel as if you're physically DOING anything!!

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excellent post blazer and i couldnt agree more.

but blaze, what is one to do when you feel strongly about it? Talking to a Priest is a great idea, I have two or three in this area that i trust wholeheartidly. Maybe I'll give them a ring today and see if I cant schedule an apointment with them..

so what am I suppose to do tomorrow morning?? I already posted this thread, made you all aware of it..I've already sent emails to the senators and judges stating my cause. Of course no replies to me as of yet.

anyway, keep the comments coming whilst I discern.


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Email our online people I mentioned, get out your rosary, and put down that diet coke!

Those politicians are getting thousands of emails today, it will take days to read them all.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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yea thats whats kinda funny, I was just thinking of the mess's i create..I already emailed everyone you have been putting online, stating I was going on a hunger strike..oh boy.

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Your heart is in the right place.

You can still fast with the rest of us.

Even people on hunger strikes drink water.

I am drinking tea, since without some sugar I will pass out.

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:lol: LOL . . . ok I'm gonna go make myself some tea. I was drinking diet coke cuz I figured it was just a bunch of chemicals and water, but C-Mom made me feel guilty.


By the way, as horrible as we all feel for Terri, I want to remind everyone that even though we sacrifice our food, we dont' sacrifice our Joy. Something horrible is happening, but God is also doing wonderful things all across the world. While we weep for Terri, we also have to rejoice for the many others who are being allowed to live until their natural end.

Let's offer our Joy for Terri too, and for her parents who I'm sure are weeping more than any of us can imagine.

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Ok, what am I to do about this thread that suddenly became 2 pages long??

I know im a fool for thinking of this and creating this thread..im so sorry to waste everyones time like this.

Im still gonna fast and pray like the rest, but that doesnt take away that urge to go a step farther. Please forgive me for jumping the gun like this. I"ve learnt something

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  CatholicAndFanatical said:
I know im a fool for thinking of this and creating this thread..im so sorry to waste everyones time like this.

  Im still gonna fast and pray like the rest, but that doesnt take away that urge to go a step farther. Please forgive me for jumping the gun like this. I"ve learnt something

You have nothing to be sorry about! Your intentions were noble; you just realized there were better options. No shame in that.

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yeah steve...im also going to fast....

do'nt worry we're in this all together...

we (all ofus) will fight the good fight

because if that was me, i would want ppl like you steve doing what your doing...

praying and fasting....

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  BLAZEr said:
:lol: LOL . . . ok I'm gonna go make myself some tea.  I was drinking diet coke cuz I figured it was just a bunch of chemicals and water, but C-Mom made me feel guilty.

Diet coke will increase your hunger and thirst.

I'm just being practical.

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You're not a fool. Stop that silly talk right this minute! Saints are made in moments like these. That's why I think you need to talk to a priest. If God IS calling you to fast more stringently, a priest will help you to know this.

I just think we all need to remember Padre Pio:

Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry.

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