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Jerry Springer the Opera

Lil Red

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[url="http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6799532/"]Story here.[/url]

[quote]More than 20,000 people have complained to the public broadcaster and are planning protests outside BBC offices before the show is aired. MediaWatch-U.K. has also written to the chairman of the BBC Governors, asking him to reconsider the airing.

But, to the horror of many parents and Christians, the BBC is standing firm, saying “it is the BBC's role to broadcast a range of programs that will appeal to all audiences — with very differing tastes and interests — present in the U.K. today."[/quote]

[quote]The Daily Mail reported 8,000 cases of swearing, while the Sun newspaper counted 3,168 uses of the “f” word and 297 “c” words. The BBC responded, saying that the count of 8,000 obscenities was reached by adding every swear word sung by each member of the 27-strong chorus. And The Times said the chorus consisted of 40 people, reducing the number of swear words to 150 per person. However, The Times’ multiplication did not appear to add up.

Regardless of the exact number of obscenities, “people do resent bad language, profanity and blasphemy being blasted into their homes,” said John Beyer, director of the TV lobby group MediaWatch-UK.[/quote]

[quote]The depiction of the Messiah as a fat, diapered man who sings he’s “a little bit gay” has driven Christians to inundate Web sites with messages urging believers to protest the screening.

“Calling all Christians who want to stand up for what they believe,” began a community board message on www.rejesus.co.uk by someone named “Big Al."

He ended his message with: “Let’s prove that the ‘silent’ majority are no longer prepared to remain silent. Enough is enough!”

David Soul, the current star of the hit show, defended the BBC’s screening, saying, "It wouldn't have got where it is if it was about blasphemy and language.”

The former “Starsky and Hutch” actor told BBC Radio 4’s “Today” program that the show’s critics had a right to protest, but added: “We have a right to enjoy quality entertainment.”[/quote]

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Wow. I heard rumours of this, but I didnt know it was so distasteful, Jerrys gone really all-out. I hope that carp doesnt get shown here, Ill go against it, just for the sake of some form of ethical tv must be kept.

Edited by Phatmasser777
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they have every right to complain.. keep in mind that the BBC gets funded by a tax that everyone that owns a television or radio in the UK must pay... only way for them to legally boycott them is sell their stuff

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yeah, which kills me that they're saying that they have to continue showing it because it appeals to a broad spectrum....but if a lot of their viewers have a problem with it, wouldn't you discontinue it? :huh: and i thought this quote was interesting:

[quote]If the show were a spoof on Jewish, Muslim or other religions’ prophets, “they simply wouldn’t do it,” Beyer said of the BBC.

“That’s what makes it all the worse, that they think they can do it to the Christian believers in the country,” he said, adding that the show had given focus to a growing dissatisfaction at falling television standards.[/quote]

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I think that this is a situation where I say go ahead. Nobody is forcing you to watch it. If a large amount of people find it distasteful (myself included) it doesn't mean it won't attract a large audience.

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To Lil Red Quote.

Its true. If Muhammad, Jewish prophets were played up, Buddha, or anyone else, they'd be no problem. Very hypocritical.

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I didn't watch the show myself.

The reason the "don't watch it if you don't like it" argument doesn't hold water with this show is because, as someone mentioned earlier, we are paying for the show to be aired- ratings don't matter, there are no advertisements on the BBC.

The fact of the matter is, my hard earned cash has been paid to display blasphemy on television. I know I certainly wouldn't donate money to a pro-abortion charity, with the liscence fee, there is no choice in not supporting unCatholic causes.

recently in the UK a theatre was showing some smutty play which was set in a Sikh temple, the Sikhs stormed the theatre a few times and the show was canceled.

For this show, the Christians used petitions and letters of complaint- it is a real kick in the teeth when violence seems to solve all the problems.

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man just when you think this world cant get any more screwed up it does.
ugh this makes me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ooo that makes me mad i get that channel we should send letters of complaint too. just because we dont live there doesnt mean our faith isn't being blasphemed. ah i need an address i will send a letter of complaint too. i mean lots of people get that channel in the states. it just makes me mad that they would do that. I dont know if my doing this will do any good but God didnt day stand up for your faith only when you are sure of a good reaction. Does anyone know where i can get the address?

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If conservative Christians spent as much time and energy on the poor as they do on "Jerry Springer: The Opera," the world might actually be a better place with a recognizable Christian majority. [color=red]Edited for Rudeness.[/color]
Cheers! :rotfl:

Edited by Kilroy the Ninja
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