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Lil Red

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[quote name='Azriel' date='Jan 11 2006, 04:08 PM']whooaa... Cow you got some blue eyes boy.

that was a pic of wopsim (scroll up from my post)

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Jan 11 2006, 06:57 PM']that was a pic of wopsim (scroll up from my post)

Whoops. My bad. Them still some blue eyes though.

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rob thomas:

i get janeane garofalo all the time... seriously.


and probably the more accurate of the three i will post of her...


doesnt she remind you of raymonds wife?

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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Jan 20 2005, 10:10 PM']I love that movie.  "I'm going to France, to tend to my goats... you know to make Goat coagulated milk... in France"

You do resemble her.

Apparently I look almost identicle to some guy off much music.

im not sure i ever saw this post... but im glad someone else enjoys that movie as much as i.

my chemistry teacher in high school on the first day of class was calling role and looking at each of our faces as he went to help him learn names and he stopped and told me how i looked exactly like janeane garofalo and then laughed. i didnt know what to think so i blushed, laughed hesitantly and told him i got that alot...


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[quote name='Azriel' date='Jan 12 2006, 10:57 AM']Laura - I can so see that.  But, I think you could have passed for Christina Ricci when you were younger.
:blink: dear God im having flashbacks. please make it stop.

i got christina ricci all the time too :blink:

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Oh Laura is definitely beautiful ... of course I think Christina Ricci is too.

But I'll stop now, Laura - personally, I think you are pretty amazing with no comparisons needed.


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aw yall are nice. i think ricci is gorgeous too. she has definitely blossomed well. :)

its just funny that you caught that... i havent heard christina ricci in a while... major flashbacks ;) :)

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