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ADL's Foxman: Why 'The Passion' Still Troubles Me


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[b]Why 'The Passion' Still Troubles Me[/b]

By Abraham H. Foxman
National Director of the Anti-Defamation League
This article originally appeared in The Jerusalem Post on December 30, 2004

"It is now some 10 months since Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" opened in the United States, and a week since its opening in Israel.

'It is a good time to look back at the controversy surrounding the movie, which may be revived surrounding the lead-up to the February Oscar Awards.

'We need to distinguish between the movie itself and its impact.

'In its depiction of Jews and how it attempts to turn back the clock on the many positive changes the Catholic Church has made in the last half-century, the film could not have been worse.

'Gibson not only blames the Jews for the persecution and death of Jesus, but along the way he plays into and reinforces the stereotypes of Jews that have haunted our people for two millennia."

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Edited by james
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There are two reasons why I strongly disagree with the idea that The Passion promotes and endorses anti-Semitic ideas.

Firstly, I really cannot understand this point of view. Surely if one puts faith in the gospel history of events in first century Palestine then ethnic and religious Jews were largely responsible for His Death. But Germans were responsible for the Holocaust-that doesn't mean that ALL Germans were responsible and certainly not that this should have ANY effect on our attitudes towards Germans nowadays. All it means is that (many) of those who killed Jews in concentration camps were German.

If we are to suggest that portraying any evil event in history commited largely or partly by a certain religious or ethnic group is discriminatory we cannot portray history at all. Every religion and race is thus to be condemned because some member's of said race or religion did something wrong in the past.

For example I have no particular aversion to a film about, say, witch-burning or the killing of Protestants (not that I enjoy those things, but I have no objection to those historical facts being portrayed well on screen). But just because certain members of the Catholic Church and other Christian churches did those horrific things does not mean I am responsible as a Catholic Christian.

I would in fact go as far as to say it is those who believe the portrayal of evil Jews suggests that all Jews are evil are those who are not necessarily anti-Semitic but somehow affected subconciously by anti-Semitic, racist ideas. Or else they have little faith in the intelligence of the viewing public to discern between, 'this Jew is evil,' and 'all Jews are evil,' which are two completely different sentences, especially in that the last is illogical and non-sensical.

Secondly, not only are there Jews portrayed as evil but many Jews who are portrayed as good.

So Judas, the crowd calling for Our Lord's Crucifixion and jeering at Him on the Way to Calvary, the false witnesses and many of the chief priests are portrayed badly.

What of the Disciples who stayed by Jesus? Simon the Syrene (religiously a Jew)? Peter, repentant after denying Christ? What of the women crying for Him? Veronica? Saint Joseph? Mary Magdalene? Saint John the Disciple? And then the Two Who really prove that if Mel Gibson has any sense he cannot possibly be a Christian and an anti-Semite: Mary, the Immaculate, sinless, perfect, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, Mother of the Church and indeed of all people.

And then of course, Jesus. The One True Son of God, God Himself in human form, the entriety of the Divine and the human. God Himself came to us as none other than a Jew.

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It is beyond ridiculous that these anti-Christian Jews are [i]still[/i] whining about that movie!!

Showing [i]The Passion of the Christ [/i]did not resurrect Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust like they warned.

In fact, the movie did not cause any discernible anti-Semitic violence, and it is obvious to any objective viewer that the film had nothing to do with anti-Semitism!

You'd think the utter falseness of their predictions would lead these "critics" to embarrassed silence! But no, they must continue their absurd protests, making total geniuses of themselves.

These are the same sorts of Jews who have made a career out of being offended by Christ, and whom the mention of "Merry Christmas" sends into conniptions!

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how can this guy possibly say "Gibson blames the jews" when Gibson has said many times that it was the collective sin of mankind that was the cause?

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jan 4 2005, 11:27 AM'] It is beyond ridiculous that these anti-Christian Jews are [i]still[/i] whining about that movie!!

Showing [i]The Passion of the Christ [/i]did not resurrect Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust like they warned.

In fact, the movie did not cause any discernible anti-Semitic violence, and it is obvious to any objective viewer that the film had nothing to do with anti-Semitism!

You'd think the utter falseness of their predictions would lead these "critics" to embarrassed silence! But no, they must continue their absurd protests, making total geniuses of themselves.

These are the same sorts of Jews who have made a career out of being offended by Christ, and whom the mention of "Merry Christmas" sends into conniptions! [/quote]

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and to add to that...how many instances were made public of people seeing this movie and turning themselves into police? and how many instances were not made public?

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Jan 4 2005, 12:56 PM'] how can this guy possibly say "Gibson blames the jews" when Gibson has said many times that it was the collective sin of mankind that was the cause? [/quote]
I think this was most strongly shown by Gibson himself as the hands that nailed Jesus to the cross.

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[quote name='Lil Red' date='Jan 4 2005, 03:00 PM'] how many instances were made public of people seeing this movie and turning themselves into police? and how many instances were not made public? [/quote]
Some Christian leaders even praised it as a "pacifist film"! And while not all Christians would consider pacifism a good thing, it's certainly a far cry from causing anti-Semitic violence.

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The only reason it makes jews look bad is because they were the people around at the time. People couldnt have just matereilized out of thin air and crucified Christ. But any people could have done that. If Christ was born in England the English would have crucified Him. if He had been born in America the Americans would have crucified Him. The movie wasn't just pointing out that Jews are evil. Because they are not. They were just the ones at the time who gave in to sin. Humans are weak so any people would have done that.

God Bless,

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If anything, the Romans came off worse than the Jews in the movie.

And all the good characters in the movie were Jewish (Christ, His Blessed Mother, St. John, St. Peter, Mary Magdalene, Simon the Cyrene).
The Gentile characters were brutal sadists at worst, conflicted and compromised at best (Pontius Pilate).

There were no protests about the movie sparking violence against Italians!

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Abe Foxman's true ambition is nothing short of a rewrite of the Gospels which form the foundation of our faith.

The ADL is a despicable organization.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jan 4 2005, 07:45 PM'] And all the good characters in the movie were Jewish (Christ, His Blessed Mother, St. John, St. Peter, Mary Magdalene, Simon the Cyrene).
The Gentile characters were brutal sadists at worst, conflicted and compromised at best (Pontius Pilate).
While I totally agree with what you are saying, i.e. that almost all the "good guys" in the movie are Jews (I think Pilate's wife came off pretty well too), the counterclaim would be that all the "bad" Jewish characters conformed to old anti-Semitic stereotypes (in looks, words, and/or behavior) while some of the "good" Jewish characters did not appear very "Jewish" (either according to old stereotypes or in general) despite the fact that they were supposed to be. And I think it is true that more probably [i]could[/i] have been done to assert the "Jewishness" of the good guys, though the movie [i]never[/i] negated their Jewishness.

(Maia Morgenstern, of course, [i]is[/i] Jewish. And she was awesome. I don't see how anyone could complain there. I loved her personal addition to the script, "Why is this night different than all other nights?" Brilliant.)

Personally, I thought Pilate got off too light in the movie. But that's my opinion. ^_^

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Jan 4 2005, 06:23 PM'] Indiana Jones is anti-German, it should be banned. [/quote]
[i]Casablanca[/i] should be banned as well since it was anti-Natzi.
Bad Humphrey Bogart!

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jan 4 2005, 07:45 PM'] If anything, the Romans came off worse than the Jews in the movie.

And all the good characters in the movie were Jewish (Christ, His Blessed Mother, St. John, St. Peter, Mary Magdalene, Simon the Cyrene).
The Gentile characters were brutal sadists at worst, conflicted and compromised at best (Pontius Pilate).

There were no protests about the movie sparking violence against Italians! [/quote]
Maybe not so much Pilate, but his soldiers...UUUGgggh. Could they have been any more sadistic?

Ironically enough, I didnt see any 'Jews' or 'Romans' crucifying Christ...I only saw myself. I almost thought the cross would break from the weight of my sins that he bore.


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