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Sister Servants of the Eternal Word

Totus Tuus

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They run Casa Maria retreat center. They were founded by a former Dominican of St. Cecilia with the help of Mother Angelica. They are TOTALLY faithful to the Magisterium. Located down the road from EWTN, you can check out the order and go on retreat at the same time if/when you visit Alabama.

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[quote name='jgirl' date='Jan 2 2005, 02:43 PM'] They are really cool. Take it from somebody who laughed hysterically as she played Taboo with some of the Sisters there. [/quote]
Yeah. Sr. Marie Bernadette came to visit my youth group when she visited home this fall. Sr. Luis Marie asked me to spread the word about a vocational retreat they're having for girls interested in the order, so PM me if you'd like some information.

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[quote]They are really cool. Take it from somebody who laughed hysterically as she played Taboo with some of the Sisters there.

hehe :lol: Did you play the card game with them, too? I think it is called "foot"

The Sister Servants a SUCH a beautiful order ^_^

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No, I didn't play the card game with them--just Taboo! I'm thinking of bringing Apples to Apples when I go down in a week and a half! I took out all the cards that they might not get (like Britney Spears) and other ones that might not be "convent appropriate" as they like to say.

I love those sisters! They are so full of joy!

When is that discernment retreat? I will spread the word around, too.


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my friend's cousin is a sister there...she hasn't been down to visit her since she entered, but is trying to get down this summer

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[quote]Sr. Mary Faustina ....... Daughter of Mary knows her too, I don't remember how, but she does

:D she's a very, very dear friend of mine. Please say "hi" to her and all the Sisters for me when you visit, Jen! I hope you have a WONDERFUL visit! Isn't incredible how those Sisters seem to "glow"..they really are so in love with their Spouse. ^_^

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[quote name='Andrea348' date='Jan 2 2005, 07:28 PM'] Sr. Mary Faustina ....... Daughter of Mary knows her too, I don't remember how, but she does [/quote]
... of Our Lady of Mercy! Yes, she's wonderful!

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I will definitely send greetings from you guys!

They totally glow. What's random is the last time I went down to see them, I was at an Annemariea Schmidt retreat. My flights were delayed about 9 hours, so instead of getting in around 3 pm on Friday, I got in around 1 am! Sister Marie Bernadette and Sister Louise Marie still picked me up! I was so dead tired by the time breakfast came around because my roommate snored (the Sisters let me sleep through morning prayer and Mass). I totally zoned out during breakfast, listened to the first talk of the day and then went back to bed. I didn't really talk to anybody that day because I spent it sleeping, but then on Sunday during lunch, these women I was sitting with were talking about being Hurricane Refugees, and one of them just stopped and looked at me. She said, "I think you have a vocation! These sisters glow, and darlin' you're glowing right now!" So the entire table started talking about how I, a stranger to them, had a vocation. It was really kind of weird.

I just hope that my flight isn't delayed so long this time, so I can get more out of it, although I think it would be kind of humorous if I had such an extended delay again.


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[quote name='daugher-of-Mary' date='Jan 2 2005, 09:09 PM'] Were you at Fr. Wade's retreat last summer? I thought I remembered someone named "Jen" being there. [/quote]
I was there! My name's Lauren... I was with my best friend, who is black (her name's Paz).

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[quote]I was there! My name's Lauren... I was with my best friend, who is black (her name's Paz).


I remember you and Paz! Woah...small world!

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[quote name='daugher-of-Mary' date='Jan 3 2005, 09:39 AM']
I remember you and Paz! Woah...small world! [/quote]
Sweetness! I know, it is... man. Where are you from?

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