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[quote name='Tony' date='Dec 24 2004, 07:18 AM'] Short for my real name, Anthony.  everyone calls me Tony though. I like Tony better :) [/quote]
Well Tony is my name to but I didn't get it to be Tony till the 5th grade. My baptism name is Anthony. In the 5th grade some other guy's name was Anthony Nguyen soo I changed my name to Tony.
P.S. We had the same 1st and last name.

Ok as for my nickname there is its Anime called Prince of Tennis in Japan. Well my friend went to Japan and he bought a dvd for me to see. So I watched it and its guy's last name was Kaidoh and they call him the snake because he walks like a snake and acts like one to. After I saw it I started to hiss at the ball when I play tennis. so there
EDIT- I only hiss that the ball when I get really mad now.lol :sweat: :ph34r: :sweat:
Opps-Kaidoh is the little head on my sig and my little pic.

Edited by kaidoh
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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Dec 24 2004, 02:35 AM'] I go to a school where the Crusader is like our mascot... weird choice huh? [/quote]
Not weird at all....my school's mascot was the Norsemen, and I graduated in '82, so put it together.....

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Benedict is my confirmation name, my middle name, and my patron saint.

I am a toxicologist, he is the patron of proof against poison.

I :wub: St. Benedict.

Match made in heaven?


Edited by Benedict
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Well, one on my friends first called me dudette, then he stopped and called me dude and I'm like "I'm a dudette!" So yeah....


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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Dec 24 2004, 02:35 AM'] I go to a school where the Crusader is like our mascot... weird choice huh? [/quote]
crusader is a cool name though....my college mascot wouldn't be as cool....GoldenRam.......my high school mascot would have been even worse.....Villager

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Dec 25 2004, 12:51 AM'] I like the nickname "Q." [/quote]
That's my nickname too.

I guess my nickname will have to be Qtip on here though.

Edited by Quietfire
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[quote name='Phazzan' date='Dec 25 2004, 10:06 PM'] That means, somehow, me Azaelia and Luthien are all related, because our forum names are related in someway to LOTR. :getfly: :lol: [/quote]
Someone already posted that the name 'phazzan' has nothing to do with LotR.

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[quote name='Quietfire' date='Dec 26 2004, 05:08 AM'] Someone already posted that the name 'phazzan' has nothing to do with LotR. [/quote]
They know not!

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mines just because its my email address but i chose little angel coz thats what i'm trying to be, and little saint sounded a lilttle bit wierd!!!

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