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A journeyman is no longer an apprentice, but not yet a master.
That pretty much sums up how I feel about my progress through my faith, and my life, both of which are also a journey.
I considered Jack of All Trades . . . but that's too much to type

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volohumilisesse translates from latin into "i want to be humble" which is my goal in all that i do, to do it with humility

i used to be lankyswimmer.....because i am 6'9" with like no meat on my bones and i am an avid swimmer

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All For the Glory of God!

One of my favorite Bible verses is 1 Corinthians 9:24 - "You know that while all the runners in the stadium take part in the race, the award goes to one man. In that case, [i]run so as to win.[/i]"

Run so as to win! I don't want to just be running along though, maybe slowing down for a little while if something on the side of the road strikes my fancy or maybe taking a detour here or there... I want to be sprinting, booking it to heaven and to my God! Hence, the name.

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[quote name='VoloHumilisEsse' date='Dec 24 2004, 04:31 PM'] i used to be lankyswimmer.....because i am 6'9" with like no meat on my bones and i am an avid swimmer [/quote]
:blink: You're.....talll..... :blink:

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I chose conservativecatholic because I'm conservative politically and traditional religiously. I got the rest of my name "catholic" because, well..., I'm a Catholic. :)

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[quote name='conservativecatholic' date='Dec 24 2004, 09:24 PM'] I got the rest of my name "catholic" because, well..., I'm a Catholic. :) [/quote]
As if dude no way :o

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I chose DesiringMore b/c i am continuously desiring more. especially when it comes to Truth and the Catholic faith! That is my prayer for each of my friends, that every day they would continue to desire more of Him, who is all we truly need!

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last name means "hope" when translated in italian (hope is also a virtue!).it's also something i try to be full of. so i added the "ful"+1=hopeful1. it was my name on the Lifeteen board long ago and i kept it when i came over here.

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my friend gave me this name, its kinda based off something from a computer game actually, but I've had it for so long, probably 6 yeras now. I just keep it.

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