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C is the beginning of my first name, and I am "mom" to many people = cmom

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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Well, I've wanted to be a nun for about 8 years now, so my name says that I'm already taken- reserved for King and the Perfect Spouse! :wub:

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i just thought it would be cool to play off the name of this website. its actually worked out well b/c now that i'm a moderator/apologetics director, it is fitting that my name tie into the website i represent. so, i use it when i defend catholicism on protestant forums.

also, our meaning of the acronym is just tight

Preaching Holy Apostolic Truth

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I used to post on the Onerock boards as "totustuus86" (which is still my AIM screenname) for Pope John Paul II's motto.

[i]totus tuus[/i] = totally yours

I thought it was awesome, since I'm consecrated to Our Lady through the Militia Immaculata, and I want to give my life totally as an instrument in her hands to bring grace into the world. :wub:

So then when I stumbled upon Phatmass, I didn't want people from Onerock to recognize me, so I signed up as "immaculata" in honor of the MI! :D

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[quote name='Phazzan' date='Dec 24 2004, 08:22 AM'] All I know is, it's somehow related to Lord Of The Rings, but I'm not quite sure how, as I am not a big fan of the trilogy. [/quote]
As a purist, obessed Tolkien fan, I can tell you without question that the name Phazzan is in no way related to LotR. :mellow:

My name is, however. :D

I got it from a [url="http://www.chriswetherell.com/hobbit/default.asp"]Hobbit Name Generator[/url] a few years ago, and the full name is Azaelia Goldworthy. Me and my best friend started calling each other by our hobbit names, a practice he wasn't too fond of as his hobbit name came out to be Olo Peatfingers. :lol:

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Well my name's Michelle but I let close friends call me Shelly and so since this is phamily I figured they could call me by the special nickname. And the freak part is cause shelly is just boring by itself and I'm kinda a freak so it all works out in the end.

HSmom I wrote the date & time on a post-it note and it's on my computer so we will always remember :P

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[quote name='immaculata' date='Dec 24 2004, 11:00 AM'] I used to post on the Onerock boards as "totustuus86" (which is still my AIM screenname) for Pope John Paul II's motto.

[i]totus tuus[/i] = totally yours
i have the name TotusTuus on Onerock....how weird....

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"Lavender" has been my nickname since about the 5th grade. One of my teachers had trouble remembering my name (Erin) because there was an Aaron in there too, and we both had the same last initial (L), so we couldn't do the old-fashioned initial thing. So she would always say that I was Erin Lavin-der, or Erin Lavender, to help her remember.

Somehow, it caught on and my friends started using it, although last year they began using it a lot more.

I :wub: it!

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