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G. W. Bush, Christian?


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"Both President Bush and his father have expressed their support for a group of mostly black church leaders that endorses the practice of throwing the cross into the trash – literally...

"This [cross removal], movement leaders said, cleared the way for a new age and second messiah."

"Last week, the movement's leaders presided over a Washington prayer breakfast featuring messages of thanks from both Bush presidents.

"Though ACLC's website says part of its purpose is to "promote through fellowship the unity of the body of Christ," it also aims to "foster cooperation and understanding among all religions." That cooperation is evidenced by the involvement of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church [b]who was dubbed the king of peace at a coronation ceremony in the Dirksen Senate Office Building earlier this year[/b]...

.."In Moon's teachings, God himself is shedding tears over mankind's obsession with the cross, which prevents us from recognizing the real 'returning lord': [i]Moon himself.[/i] It's no secret. This is something he's patiently explained to many audiences of congressmen and former Republican presidents over the years, in Washington pageants that hardly ever make the news."

"The columnist says Bush sent a "warm letter" of support presented at the breakfast by a state senator, in which the president and first lady sent best wishes to the sponsors -- and thanked them for rallying his "armies of compassion."

Full Article:

[url="http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=42039"]Bush supports cross-hating movement[/url]

Edited by james
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1st provide evidence he is a mason.. i see that charge flung about wildly by people and basically it just makes me look upon them as conspiracy theorist nuts until they provide evidence.

2nd the secular government does this sort of stuff, too bad we can't get someone in office that would stand up against such nonsense. John Kerry certainly wouldn't have done it either.

3rd I don't know about the nature of the president's faith, nor does it matter to me in the political realm because the fact is his policies are best in line with Catholic morality (out of the two options).

4th They had an Icon of Our Lady out while he was watching the election results, and there are rumors that he may be looking into or thinking about Catholocism.

This is the nature of the American Government. Bush has promoted Judaism, Protestantism, Christianity, Islam, et cetera. This says nothing of his personal beliefs, but he as president in today's political climate feels it necessary not to step on any religious toes, including on the religious toes of these black leaders that throw out crosses.

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Ditto to Aluigi.

This is just a politician being a politician. Nothing more.

President Bush gives similar statements of support to many religious groups. I doubt this has anything to do with them throwing away crosses, or that Bush even particularly cares what their particular religious beleifs are.

The President has also given statements of support to orthodox Catholic institutions such as Christendom College. Does this make him a secret Catholic, planning to put America under the control of the Vatican?
(Some whackballs, such as Linden LaRouche, have actually suggested such things!)

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[quote name='thedude' date='Dec 22 2004, 05:27 PM'] Interestingly, he is the first President to use a Bible quotation in his Christmas card. [/quote]
Thats a nice change of pace from the increasing secularization of the "Winter holidays" when the mere utterance of Christmas sends many secularists into shock. Heh, and a Bible quotation too! :D

I agree with the others that say that Bush is just being a politician. Personally, he may think that Moon is a nutcase, but as a politician, he can't be calling everyone he disagrees with a nutcase. Being civil requires that you acknowledge the positive aspects of someone that you may disagree with (well, within reason of course).

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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Dec 22 2004, 04:30 PM'] 1st provide evidence he is a mason [/quote]
Bush has admitted to being a member of the masonic organization "Skull and Bones" on Meet the Press. The interviewer was Tim Russert. A google search will turn up a video clip of that interview.

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I know that. first off: that doesn't make him a serious mason, it's a wierd stupid college thing (not that it's not bad, but i'm not convinced he's still a mason). i don't know that much about skull and bones, is it really masonic? even if it is, people do stupid stuff in college. a mason would still be a member of a lodge or something I assume, is he? or was it something stupid he did in college that he doesn't realize how bad it was?

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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Dec 22 2004, 11:24 PM'] i don't know that much about skull and bones, is it really masonic? [/quote]


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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Dec 23 2004, 12:24 AM'] i don't know that much about skull and bones, is it really masonic? [/quote]
Very much so. And the connection doesn't stop at college. Before I say more, and risk discrediting myself, let me try to find my sources.

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He aint Christian, hes a Klaima. The only Issue he is on-par with, with Xianity is abortion, apart from that he's as close to be a christian as the devil is.

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PolyCarp of Smyrna

I just plain old don't like Bush. I think he is the anti-Christ. If nothing else, he's just another political [color=red][edited by Ice Princess: unnecessary vulgar name calling][/color] in the bushel of such.

Pax Christi,


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Christian or not? Sigh........ either way he was easily the best choice based on the 5 non-negotiable issues for any Catholic that didn't want to throw away their vote in the election.

PolyCarp.... is the [Edited by Ice Princess: no its not necessary. ;)] phrase necessary? Personally, I would appreciate a more objective approach with no name calling....and that particular phrase is offensive. I would like to think my girls can read the posts here without picking up phrases such as that. Please refrain.

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