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MC Just

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How did the American Catholic priesthood go from an image of wise, strong men like Spencer Tracy in Boys Town and Bing Crosby in Going My Way, to an image of "pedophile priests"?

In Goodbye, Good Men, investigative reporter Michael S. Rose provides the shocking answer – an answer the mainstream news media has missed.

He uncovers how radical liberalism, like that found on many college campuses, has infiltrated the Catholic Church and tried to overthrow her traditional beliefs, standards, and disciplines – especially Church teachings on sexuality. In bringing the "sexual revolution" into the Church, liberals have welcomed – even preferred – radicalized active homosexuals to orthodox seminarians in the name of "diversity" and "tolerance." That "tolerance" has now been exposed as a toleration of criminal acts.

Here, in stunning detail, is the story behind the headlines – the story that made those very headlines possible. As Dr. Alice von Hildebrand says, Goodbye, Good Men "holds the key to a phenomenon which, to many, is also an enigma: Why are so many seminaries empty? Michael S. Rose has the courage – a courage that many Church leaders lack – of giving us the fearful but uncontestable answer: because vice has penetrated into many of them, and those who do not condone vice are excluded."

A riveting work of extraordinary reporting, Michael S. Rose shows how the very institutions charged with inculcating Catholic theology and discipline have come to prefer gay priests to straight ones, pop psychology to religious devotion, and Playboy to the pope.

Edited by MC Just
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Oh man. That is great stuff. I need to get it. Speaking of awesome literature. Here are some cool books I asked for this Christmas.

I asked for Ugly as Sin (A book that focuses on the destruction of traditional Church architecture.) I'm also getting Triumph (2000 years of Catholic Church History). The other book is a political book, How to Talk to a Liberal. It was written by my girlfriend, Ann Coulter. ^_^

May you have a very merry Christmas!

Edited by conservativecatholic
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