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oh man just 1???? I like Viggo, Dominic ,Billy, Orlando.... i like viggo the best

my favorite movie man thats hard i love them all!!

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I could never get into the LOTR films. Maybe its because I can't stand Elijah Wood and some of the other actors in it. I did like that dwarf guy though.

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I would have to say Viggo, unless outside political advocacy was counted into the equation. Then I would have to go with John Rhys Davies (Gimli).

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Viggo Mortensen and Sean B are my favs
in the extended versions we see them act together very well - they both rock
and Sean's part in two towers is amazing

:cool: the entire thing is a great work though

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[b][color=green]Viggo Viggo Viggo!!!!!!![/color][/b]


IN the extended version I love how Legolas starts feeling a "slight" tingling after having ALOT to drink while Gimli passes out!!! :rotfl:

[quote]I hope that they release the longer version in theaters someday, because I really want to experience it as it was meant to be seen. [/quote]
I hope they do to!!!! I watched all three back to back when the ROTK came out. They showed the first two (extended versions) and then the last one. Hopefully they'll show ALL three back to back extended versions. Just take a pillow for your bootie. It's literally a butt-numb-a-thon!!!!

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