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"Roman Catholicism Today" Course

Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Dec 16 2004, 10:11 PM'] Be very careful that you aren't scandalized or sucked in. [/quote]
I'm pretty sure that I won't be... you here at phatmass have taught me well ^_^

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Is a diocesan school offering this course? As others have hinted, the Vatican has ruled that Hans Kung may not speak as a Catholic theologian. According to the online bookstores, the conclusion of his book "The Catholic Church: A Short History" can be summed up as follows:
[quote]The book concludes with a searching assessment of how the Catholic faith confronts the immense challenges - from science, from the empowerment of women, from those seeking reform of the Church's strictures against abortion and contraception - in the new millennium.[/quote]

It's a kind of "let's start from scratch" religion.


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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Mateo el Feo' date='Dec 16 2004, 11:19 PM'] Is a diocesan school offering this course? [/quote]
No it is at my United Church of Christ affiliated College...

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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Dec 17 2004, 12:46 AM'] No it is at my United Church of Christ affiliated College... [/quote]
Ohhhhh................I'm guessing they don't want to paint a very optimistic picture of "Roman Catholicism Today." :rolleyes:

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Mateo el Feo' date='Dec 17 2004, 12:29 AM'] Ohhhhh................I'm guessing they don't want to paint a very optimistic picture of "Roman Catholicism Today." :rolleyes: [/quote]
Doesn't seem that way, now does it?

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I know the feeling. I'm at a Catholic Benidictine College and I took Intro to the Bible for my Religion standard.

A) The college has strayed "a bit" from Orthadoxy but is returning with the help of several priests nuns and the student body

B) My class was taught by a former Catholic who is now Episcople (typing in the dark doesn't quite work)

C) One of our texts by Richard Borg (stay far away) within the first few chapters of our text, it had to do with reading the Bible metaphorically, essentally said that the Miracle of Loves and Fishes, Wedding at Cana and Mary's Virgin Birth were all metaphors.

D) Some of my Catholic friends who took the same class gave me really stern warnings about taking that class.

I thought that the class was going to be really bad. Now that the class is essentally finished *My final is on Mon* it wasn't a bad class, it was rather enjoyable, and not only did it help in my understanding of the Bible, it helped me learn how to defend the Catholic faith in a "non-confrontational" way. Also my teacher said I had brought up aspects of the Catholic faith that she had never been taught when she was younger.

The class may appear to be a bit "sticky," I know mine did, but it may turn out to be worth it in the long run.

Just be strong if you can't get out of it, and fight the good fight!

God bless-

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[quote name='Benedict' date='Dec 16 2004, 10:53 PM'] I wish my school even offered a class in Catholicism. All we have is Comparitive Religion. [/quote]
-_- yeah I know what you mean, I'm taking intro to religious studies next semester, so generalized

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[quote name='let_go_let_God' date='Dec 17 2004, 03:49 AM'] I know the feeling. I'm at a Catholic Benidictine College and I took Intro to the Bible for my Religion standard.

A) The college has strayed "a bit" from Orthadoxy but is returning with the help of several priests nuns and the student body

B) My class was taught by a former Catholic who is now Episcople (typing in the dark doesn't quite work)

C) One of our texts by Richard Borg (stay far away) within the first few chapters of our text, it had to do with reading the Bible metaphorically, essentally said that the Miracle of Loves and Fishes, Wedding at Cana and Mary's Virgin Birth were all metaphors.

D) Some of my Catholic friends who took the same class gave me really stern warnings about taking that class.

I thought that the class was going to be really bad. Now that the class is essentally finished *My final is on Mon* it wasn't a bad class, it was rather enjoyable, and not only did it help in my understanding of the Bible, it helped me learn how to defend the Catholic faith in a "non-confrontational" way. Also my teacher said I had brought up aspects of the Catholic faith that she had never been taught when she was younger.

The class may appear to be a bit "sticky," I know mine did, but it may turn out to be worth it in the long run.

Just be strong if you can't get out of it, and fight the good fight!

God bless-
LGLG [/quote]
Did you correct all the errors? :)

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