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You aint got to lie to kick it


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Ever lied about your age and for what reason? Man at college I see girls CONSTANTLY lying about thier age, I guess the insecurity about getting older gets to them. I couldnt lie about myself being older if I wanted to-I'm 20 but look 16 lol :cool:

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[quote name='Krush2k2' date='Dec 11 2004, 11:25 PM'] *hands Phazzan some Rogaine*

Merry Christmas [/quote]
Dude, do you really wanna go there? Cos I'll win...

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Thy Geekdom Come

I lied in a chatroom when I was about...hmmm...13...told a woman I was a widowed physics prof at MIT...

...I shouldn't have done that... :(
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[quote name='Raphael' date='Dec 12 2004, 01:31 AM'] :rolleyes:

I lied in a chatroom when I was about...hmmm...13...told a woman I was a widowed physics prof at MIT...

...I shouldn't have done that... :( [/quote]

You could probably pull that off Micah....

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HAHAHA YAH!!! during summer, my bad times, me and my friends would go to UCSB to IV street and like we thought we were cool cus we were seniors dancing and partying with college students, so we would say we were from like other colleges

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='spathariossa' date='Dec 12 2004, 02:33 AM'] LMAO!!!

You could probably pull that off Micah.... [/quote]
I did...it was so wrong of me...but I knew my physics pretty well then, at least the concepts, which was enough to convince any non-physicists, lol...

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[quote name='Krush2k2' date='Dec 11 2004, 11:25 PM'] *hands Phazzan some Rogaine*

Merry Christmas [/quote]
:rotfl: :rolling:

I'm 16 and I've never lied bout my age.

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When I was in chatrooms I used to make myself one year older if I was two months or less away from my birthday. Other than that, I don't really feel a need to lie about my age.

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My friend and I were going to Longwood Gardens and you can get a much cheaper admission price if you are 20 and under, we were both 21. We just said "one student" the lady didn't ask any questions.

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One time I said I was 14 to get into a gym at the Soul Fest in 2002. I was 13, but I had been [i]concieved[/i] 14 years ago, so I figured... the guy wasn't really believing it either. There was 3 of us, and y'know we had all been concieved 14 years ago, and he goes down the line askin our ages, and he's like, "tsk. well, that's convienient." We got in.

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I don't lie about my age. I tell everyone my real age and they don't believe me. <_< Some people think I'm seven years younger than I actually am. :wacko: :rolleyes:

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