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My Conclusions

Freaky Chik

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  Chrysologus said:
I'm afraid that it's hopeless, here, Freaky Chik (Hey, I remember back when you first came on and didn't even know what "Eucharist" meant!). Anna and Katholikos won't give up until you give in. And I'm guessing that you won't give in. I'm not aware of any non-Catholics who have become Catholics as a result of this website. Follow your conscience and seek to the do the Lord's will and you'll be fine.

Ah, relativism -- one of the most prevalent and enduring heresies of the 20th and 21st centuries -- has spoken. Being a (fill in the blank) is as good as being a Catholic. Being a Buddhist is as good as being a Baptist. ¿Qué más da? (It makes no difference.)

I'm not trying to make Freaky "give in." I'm simply trying to educate her. What she does with the Truth is strictly between her and God.

I doubt that she'll be okay. "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you ; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is food inDouche, and my blood is drink inDouche. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him" John 6:53-56 RSV.

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father , who is in heaven" Mt 7:21.

It is God's will that men be saved through the Church he established. Not that they "can't" be saved any other way, but He founded the Church and endowed it with the Sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, to help us get to heaven. Can man make an end run around God's will without penalty?

Peace be to you and all,

Oremus pro invicem,


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My post duplicated in this space. I deleted it. I must have done something wrong.

I have no idea whether anyone has been converted at phatmass, but on-line conversions do occur. I was a witness to one -- God gave me the privilige of watching it happen as our arguments progressed. Actually, there were four conversions: a wife, husband, and two teen-age sons. All because of internet dialog. It got very heated at times! They all became Catholic at the Easter Vigil two years ago.

My "tone" has not changed. I don't criticize the person, only Protestantism. No one should take it personally. Catholics don't usually criticize other religions -- but I used to be a Protestant, so I tell it like it is. Sorry if anyone is offended by that. But I try to replace fiction with Truth.

Oremus pro invicem.


P.S. I wasn't in the battle alone -- there were four of us Catholics in the debate. It happened on a Protestant/Catholic discussion list.

Edited by Katholikos
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  Chrysologus said:
I'm afraid that it's hopeless, here, Freaky Chik (Hey, I remember back when you first came on and didn't even know what "Eucharist" meant!). Anna and Katholikos won't give up until you give in. And I'm guessing that you won't give in. I'm not aware of any non-Catholics who have become Catholics as a result of this website. Follow your conscience and seek to the do the Lord's will and you'll be fine.

Ah, relativism -- one of the most prevalent and enduring heresies of the 20th and 21st centuries -- has spoken. Being a (fill in the blank) is as good as being a Catholic. Being a Buddhist is as good as being a Baptist. ¿Qué más da? (It makes no difference.)

I'm not trying to make Freaky "give in." I'm simply trying to educate her. What she does with the Truth is strictly between her and God.

I doubt that she'll be okay. "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you ; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is food inDouche, and my blood is drink inDouche. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him" John 6:53-56 RSV.

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father , who is in heaven" Mt 7:21.

It is God's will that men be saved through the Church he established. Not that they "can't" be saved any other way, but He founded the Church and endowed it with the Sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, to help us get to heaven. Can man make an end run around God's will without penalty?

Peace be to you and all,

Oremus pro invicem,


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We welcome you home with {{{{hugs}}}}. I've wondered where you were and what was happening with you. I was about to send out an APB. I was gone a while myself. We've got some catching up to do.


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My post duplicated in this space. I deleted it. I must have done something wrong.

I have no idea whether anyone has been converted at phatmass, but on-line conversions do occur. I was a witness to one -- God gave me the privilige of watching it happen as our arguments progressed. Actually, there were four conversions: a wife, husband, and two teen-age sons. All because of internet dialog. It got very heated at times! They all became Catholic at the Easter Vigil two years ago.

My "tone" has not changed since then. I don't criticize the person, only Protestantism. No one should take it personally. Catholics don't usually criticize other religions -- but I used to be a Protestant, so I tell it like it is. Sorry if anyone is offended by that. But I try to replace fiction with Truth.

Oremus pro invicem.


P.S. I wasn't in the battle alone -- there were four of us Catholics in the debate, outnumbered by Protestants. The conversion(s) happened on a Protestant/Catholic discussion list.

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It is God's will that men be saved through the Church he established. Not that they "can't" be saved any other way, but He founded the Church and endowed it with the Sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, to help us get to heaven. Can man make an end run around God's will without penalty?
That's the critical thing that people forget. I'm usually softer in my tact that Kathlikos, but I do say the same thing. (And no, I'm not as tactful as most, like Azriel :blink: ) That's why the Church has many people. Some of us are more tactful for those who need tact. Some are more blunt for those who can easily ignore the tactfull suggestion.

It took both kinds of Christians to wake me up. I appreciate the fact that most of them were non-Catholic Christians, but that doesn't refute the fact that God's will intends that He provide us lot's of help and graces through the Church. When you're bobbing alone at sea, a life jacket is wonderful and can save your life. But just because you have a life jacket, doesn't mean I won't climb into the SuperDeluxe LifeBoat with hot and cold running water and a refridgerator.

Some of us would try to gently explain how much better it is in the SDLB. Other's would shout "Get into the boat NOW!" The intent is the same.

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Katholikos, I think your computer is trying to make up to us for all the posts we had been missing over the past weeks/months! :lol:

Seriously, computers can be enfuriating sometimes.

Maybe we should pray over them more often?!

Pax Christi. <><

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Why computers should be considered masculine:

1. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.

2. They have a lot of data but are still clueless.

3. They are supposed to help you solve your problems, but half the

time they ARE the problem.

Why computers should be feminine:

1. No one but their creator understands their interanl logic.

2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers

is incomprehensible to everyone else.

3. Even your smallest mistakes are stored in long-term memory for

later retrieval.

4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself

spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.

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