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Abortion, Amnioscientesis, and NTD's


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I also live in Canada. I think that what you have mentioend is the worst crime of humanity and is despicable beyond any measure or reasoning. I just wanted to say that and say that for once i completly agree with you hands down.

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[quote name='God Conquers' date='Dec 6 2004, 05:47 PM'] ICTHUS, you aren't going to find accurate statistics for Canada. As you may know statscan stopped recording the number of abortions performed here several years ago. Also, abortionists are not bound to keep public records of the number or reason for the abortions they perform.

Yay for unregulated serious medical procedures! (intense sarcasm) [/quote]
No - I didn't, but thanks for letting me know!

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I just sent the following e-mail to my mother.

[quote]Hi Mum,

I thought this might shed some insight into why I have been known to speak in a very no-holds-barred manner when it comes to pro-life issues, no matter who is around. For me, due to the fact that I have SB, it is an extremely personal - indeed, for others who would be born like me - life and death - matter. These statistics should demonstrate my point. These statistics come from the United Kingdom, but nevertheless, they are horrifying indeed (no stats are available for Canada, because Statistics Canada stopped recording the number of abortions performed in Canada a number of years ago, and providers are not legally bound to keep records of the number of abortions they perform, or the reason), and, and paint a very grim picture of peoples regard for human life when caring for that life will prove inconvenient or troublesome.

"Handicap" % of those diagnosed with the stated handicap who are then aborted 

Down's Syndrome  92% (1)

Spina Bifida 90% (2)

Source: [url="http://www.spuc.org.uk/abortion/e-0079b.pdf"]http://www.spuc.org.uk/abortion/e-0079b.pdf[/url]

Thanks for giving me life!

Grace and peace,

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